Document Trade Lines

Article09/04/202410 min read

After creating a sales/purchase document with a sales/purchase document line from the type Item, the system will retrieve all active trade plans with the most specific rate which applies to that document. These rates are converted into document trade lines. These document trade lines show the calculation of the costsbased on the rates for the created document line.

Document Trade lines with a Price rule affect the sales price. This can be a price increase, decrease or discount. As a starting point for the calculation, the base unit price per unit of measure is used. Depending on the set up of the first trade plan line in the trade calculation, this is either the unit cost of the item or the price that was found (and recalculated) in the Sales Price list.


Trade Plans with Price Rule set to Unit Price or Discount can only be used for sales documents.

Document trade lines with an accrual don’t affect the sales and purchase price.

When a sales/purchase document is reversed, corrected, canceled, archived, copied, or created from another sales or purchase-related document (for example create a sales order from a blanket order), the document trade lines are copied. The document trade lines are shown on the following pages:

  • Sales Quote
  • Blanket Sales Order
  • Sales Order
  • Sales Return Order
  • Sales Invoice
  • Sales Credit Memo
  • Posted Sales Invoice
  • Posted Sales Credit Memo
  • Sales Quote Archive
  • Sales Order Archive
  • Sales Return Order Archive
  • Purchase Quote
  • Blanket Purchase Order
  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase Return Order
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Purchase Credit Memo

Document trade lines can be assigned to blanket orders, quotes, (return) orders, invoices, and credit memos for sales and purchase. The following instruction describes how to work with document trade lines for a sales order. The steps are similar for all other sales and purchase documents.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Orders and then choose the related link.
    The Sales Orders list page opens.
  2. On the action bar, choose the New action.
  3. Fill in the remaining fields on the Sales Order page as necessary. After entering the quantity on the sales line, the document trade lines will be retrieved.
  4. On the Lines FastTab, on the action bar, select Line > Related Information > Document Trade Lines.

A document trade line can have a price rule, accrual type or both.

  • In the Price Rule field, it is shown if the rate in the document trade line is a discount or a price increase.
  • In the Accrual Type field, the type of accrual is shown. Options are: Standard Cost, Standard Revenue, Actual Cost or Actual Revenue. Actual cost or revenue will be first posted as an expected cost/revenue and will later be reversed and replaced by the actual cost/revenue.
  • In the Trade Plan No. field, the number of the trade plan to which this document trade line is linked is shown.
  • In the Allocation Percentage field, you can assign the allocation percentage for a trade partner. The Allocation Percentage field can also be accessed in two different ways:
    • Purchase Order (Purchase Order > Line > Related Information > Document Trade Lines)
    • Trade Plan (Trade Plan > Related > Document Trade Lines)
      If the Trade Partner Source is selected as Trade Plan, the Allocation Percentage field on the Document Trade Lines is shown as zero. If the Trade Partner Source is selected as Source Document, the system considers the allocation percentage entries based on the selected Trade Partner Group Code.

    This can also be achieved by using Add Document Trade Line and Recalculate Doc. Trade Lines actions.
    You can also view the Allocation Percentage for both Posted Sales and Purchase documents.

  • In the Description field, the description of the trade plan to which this document trade line is linked is shown.
  • In the Calculation Base field, the price type to which the rate in this document trade line applied is shown. Options include: the base sales price, the unit cost or the current sales price (which is the running total after rates of trade plans lines with lower calculation levels are applied first).
    This calculation base influences the first document trade line and when the rate type is Percentage of Line Amount. On the first document trade line the base price will be determined depending on the calculation base. When the calculation base is Base Price or Current Price the sales unit price is used and when the calculation base is Unit Cost the unit cost from the sales line is used for calculating the new unit price.
  • In the Rate field, the rate (amount or percentage depending on the Rate Type) recalculated to the Price UoM is shown.
  • In the Rate Unit of Measure Code field, the unit of measure in which this rate is calculated is shown. When the original unit of measure is different from the unit of measure the original rate is calculated to the rate unit of measure.
  • In the Rate Type field, the type of the rate is shown as set up on the Trade Plan Card page.
  • In the Eligible Base field, the price is specified to which the rate in this document trade line is applied is shown. This eligible base value depends on the rate type and calculation base that is set up for this trade rate. The following values are used:
    • When the rate type is Amount per unit the eligible base is the quantity in the price unit of measure of the document line.
    • When the rate type is Amount per Net Weight, the eligible base is the net weight times the quantity of the document line.
    • When the rate type is Amount per Gross Weight, the eligible base is the gross weight times the quantity of the document line.
    • When the rate type is Amount per Gross Weight, the eligible base is the gross weight times the quantity of the document line.
    • When the rate type is Percentage of Line Amount, the eligible base is the Line Amount of the document line. When the Calculation base is Base Price, the Line amount based on the base price is used when the calculation base is Current Price, the Current Line Amount from the previous document trade line is used and when the calculation base is Unit Cost, the Unit Cost times the quantity of the document line is used.
    • When the rate type is Amount per Shipping Container, the eligible base is the quantity to post of the item bound packaging line. This rate type exists only if the Aptean Packaging extension is installed.
  • In the Unit Amount field, the amount for one unit after applying the rate for this document trade line is shown. This value is inherited from the associated Rate field for price rules such as Amount per Unit, Amount per Net Weight, and Amount per Gross Weight. For a catch weight item with Percentage of Line Amount price rule, the Unit Amount field is calculated by dividing the Amount field value by the weight quantity to invoice.
  • In the Currency Code field, the currency in which the rate is specified is shown as set up on the Trade Plan card.
  • In the Amount field,the total amount after applying the rate of this document trade line (considering the document line quantity) is shown. This amount is used to calculate the Current Line Amount.
  • In the Trade Partner No. field, the trade partner number linked to the document trade line is shown. A trade partner can only be linked to a document trade line with an accrual type.
  • In the Calculation Level field, the order is shown in which the trade plan lines are calculated. This is important when rates of the type ‘percentage’ are present of which the calculation base is the ‘current sales price’ (price after applying previous document trade lines). When there are multiple document trade lines available with the same calculation level, the order is determined based on the trade plan number. In that case, the last ‘current sales price’ on the previous calculation level is used for the calculation.
  • In the Original Rate field, the rate (amount or percentage depending on the Rate Type) is shown as originally specified on the Trade Plan Rates page.
  • In the Original Unit of Measure Code field, the unit of measure which is specified to the rate as originally set up on the Trade Plan Rates page is shown.
  • In the Current Line Amount field, the line amount after applying the rate of this document trade line and all previous document trade lines (with lower calculation levels) is shown. The line amount only increased or decreased when the document trade line is a price rule.
  • In the Manual field, the checkmark specifies whether this document trade line was added manually (instead of being automatically derived from a setup trade plan and rate) or when the rate or currency on the document trade line is changed manually.

The system updates the Quantity (in Sales Price UoM) field value for catch weight items on the document trade lines page. When the sales price line of an item is defined in the catch weight unit of measure, the system updates the quantity based on the sum of the weight quantity to invoice on the item tracking when you execute the Update Catch Weight Item Unit Price action.

Add document trade line

  1. On the action bar, choose Add Document Trade Line action.
  2. On the Trade Plan No. field, choose the related option from the 6.In the Calculation Level field, enter the calculation level for the sales document. button
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the Rate field, enter a rate which can be a positive or negative value. When the Rate Type is Percentage of Line Amount, the rate must be between 0 and 100 because it is a percentage.
  5. In the Unit Measure field, select a unit of measure to which this rate applies. This is only necessary when the trade plan is set up with rate type Amount per Unit.
  6. In the Calculation Level field, enter the calculation level for the sales document.
  7. Click OK.

The document trade line has been added in order of the calculation level. The checkmark Manual is turned on.

Change rate and currency

After retrieving the document trade lines, you can change the rate for a document trade line. The document trade line will be recalculated with the new rate.

  1. In the Rate field, change the rate, and the document trade line is recalculated. The checkmark Manual is turned on.
    For document trade lines with only an accrual type, you can change the currency code.
  2. In the Currency Code field, the currency code is changed, and the document trade line is recalculated with the exchange rate.


You can recalculate all document trade lines. In that case, all the document trade lines will be deleted and retrieved again. For the following options, it might be necessary to recalculate the document trade lines:

  • After changing the ship-to address code in the sales header.
  • After changing the alternate vendor address code in the purchase header.
  • After changing the order type in the sales header.
  • After changing the price reference date on the sales header.
  • Delete any manual adjustments.
  • Delete manually added document trade lines.

1.On the action bar, choose Recalculate Doc. Trade Lines action.

A dialog box displays the following message: Any manual adjustments to the document trade lines or manually added lines will be deleted. Are you sure you want to recalculate?

  1. ClickYes.
    All document trade lines are deleted and retrieved again.
    All document trade lines are recalculated by the system in case the following applies:
  • The user changes the Quantity value in the purchase document line and if a new volume rate must be applied.
  • The user changes the Item in the purchase document line.

If the user deletes the purchase document, the document trade lines, and document trade calculation entries are deleted.