Integration with Aptean Trade Management

Article09/19/20244 min read

You can integrate the Aptean External Sales extension with the Aptean Trade Management extension to view and manage document trade lines for external sales order lines based on the configured trade plans in the system. Also, you can create and issue trade statements for trade accrual entries.

Document trade lines

The document trade lines functionality allows you to view and manage trade lines associated with external sales order lines.

To view the document trade lines, follow these steps:

  1. Open the required External Sales Order page.

  2. On the Lines FastTab, select Line > Related Information > Document Trade Lines.
    The Document Trade Lines page opens and displays the document trade lines that are applicable for the relevant external sales order line.

    When managing document trade lines for external sales orders, the system checks several conditions based on the trade plans configured in the system. For document trade lines to be applied to external sales orders, the following criteria must be met:

    • Ensure that the Use in External Sales toggle on the Trade Plan Card page is turned on.
    • The Price Rule field on the Trade Plan Card page should be left blank. If a price rule is specified, the system will not consider the trade lines for external sales orders.
    • The Calculation Base field must be set to either Current Price or Base Price on the Trade Plan Card page.
    • The Rate Type field must be set to either Amount per Unit or Percentage of Line Amount on the Trade Plan Card page.
    • The Volume Type field must be set to either Units Line or Line Amount on the Trade Plan Card page.

    For additional information on how the system considers and applies document trade lines, see Document Trade Lines.

    On the Document Trade Lines page associated external sales orders, you can view the following fields:

    Quantity in External Sales LineSpecifies the quantity of the item specified in the external sales order line, measured according to the relevant unit of measure.
    Total Line AmountSpecifies the total amount for the line item, not including any discounts. It reflects the full amount calculated for the selected quantity and unit price.
    Trade Base Unit Price (per External Price UoM)Specifies the base unit price for the item, based on the external price unit of measure. It represents the price per unit before applying any discounts or additional calculations.
    Total AccrualSpecifies the total accrual amount associated with the external sales order line. It reflects the accumulated value related to trade lines and any applicable adjustments.
  3. On the action bar, select the following actions as required.

    Add Document Trade LineSelect this action to manually add a new document trade line to the external sales order. This allows you to include additional trade details or adjustments not automatically included by the system.
    Recalculate Doc. Trade LinesSelect this action if you want to recalculate the existing document trade lines if any changes have been made to the external sales order.

For more information, see Document Trade Lines.

Trade statements

You can create and issue trade statements for the trade accrual entries related to external sales orders. This functionality works similarly to the process of regular sales orders, with a few adjustments. For more information, see Trade Statements.

If the trade statement includes both posted sales and posted external sales order lines, the system organizes the lines by document type. The posted sales order lines are listed first, followed by posted external sales order lines. For external sales order lines, the Value Entry No. field will display zero.

When creating an issue trade statement, the system generates one of the following documents:

  • Purchase invoice
  • Sales invoice
  • Purchase credit memo
  • Sales credit memo

If the Retain Source Dimensions toggle of the Issue Trade Statements page is turned on, the system uses the dimensions from the external sales order when creating the related document for issuing the trade statement.

The system creates lines in the document with the following updates:

  • The Type field is set to G/L Account.
  • The No. field is updated with the account number configured on the General Posting Setup page. This is based on the combination of the general business posting group assigned to the customer, the general product posting group for the item charge, and the document type.

Additionally, the system combines issue trade statement lines that share the same trade plan number and posted external sales document type, creating a single line in the newly generated document.

You can also use the Get Accrual Entries functionality for external orders from the invoice or credit memo. This functionality works similarly to the process of regular sales orders but creates the line with the Type field set to G/L Account. For more information, see Get Trade Accrual Entries.