Unplanned movements between locations

Article09/06/20242 min read

You can execute unplanned movements of items and license plates between different locations, ensuring inventory accuracy. This process supports both license plate tracked, and non-license plate tracked items. 

  1. On the Home screen of the Aptean Mobile Warehouse app, select the Move icon. 
    The Move screen displays your active location. 


    The active location is set on the User Setup screen and determines the default location for your warehouse activities. 

  2. Scan the license plate number of the items in the active location. 
    The system automatically switches to put mode to prepare for placing the items in the destination. 

  3. Scan the license plate number of the items in the non-active location. 

  4. Scan the bin code where the items will be placed. 

  5. Scan the license plate again to confirm the move. 
    The system creates the necessary item ledger entries, completing the movement between the active and non-active locations either partially or fully. 

The items are moved from the active location to the non-active location. 

You can perform similar move activities for: 

  • Moving license plates from non-active to active locations. 
  • Moving non-license plate tracked items between locations. 
  • Executing partial license plate movements. 

To know more, see [Partial license plate movement](Partial License Plate Movement.md).


During partial license plate movements, you cannot move items to locations where the Require License Plate Tracking toggle on the Location Card page is turned off.