License Plating integration with Over & Under Delivery

Article06/28/20232 min read

You can perform an Over Pick by scanning the License Plate No. during a Warehouse Pick. Prior to performing an Over Pick, you must perform the following setup on your Business Central environment:

  • The Aptean License Plating extension must be installed.
  • The Aptean Over & Under Delivery extension must be installed.
  • On the Location Card page, on the Warehouse FastTab, turn on the Bin Mandatory toggle, and then turn on the Require License Plate Tracking toggle.
  • On the Customer Card page, on the Shipping FastTab, turn on the Overdelivery Allowed toggle.
  • On the Item Card page, on the Warehouse FastTab, enter a value in the Allowed % Overdelivery field.

Full Pick

The following procedure describes how to perform full pick by scanning a License Plate for Over Delivery activity on the Aptean Mobile Warehouse app:

  1. On the Aptean Mobile Warehouse app home page, select the Pick icon.
  2. In the Pick/SO/Trans/WMS No. field, enter or scan the Pick No.
  3. In the Identifier field, enter or scan the existing License Plate No. with the over pick quantity.
    A message pops up, asking for confirmation.
  4. Choose Yes to confirm the over pick.
    If you select No, it will take you back to the Pick screen.

Partial Pick

The following procedure describes how to perform partial pick by scanning the License Plates for Over Delivery activity on the Aptean Mobile Warehouse app:

  1. Follow steps 1 through 2 on Full Pick to begin the Over Pick activity.
  2. In the Identifier field, enter or scan the License Plate No. with partial quantity.
  3. In the Identifier field, enter or scan the License Plate No. with the over pick quantity.
    A message pops up, asking for confirmation.
  4. Choose Yes to confirm the over pick.