Including GRAI registration during Partial Picking for Sales Order

Article08/19/20244 min read

The Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI) number is used to identify a crate that contains one or more items and lot numbers. A GRAI crate contains only one item number and one lot number. Mixed Lot numbers and/or mixed item numbers in one GRAI crate are not allowed.

GRAI registration is required while handling the License Plate tracked items in a Warehouse Pick based on the Sales Order. This is done by enabling the Enable GRAI toggle on the Customer SSCC Setup. The Enable GRAI toggle can be turned on only if the Enable SSCC toggle is turned on.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers, and then choose the related link.
    The Customers list page opens.
  2. Select the required customer and open the Customer Card page.
  3. On the action bar, select Related > Customer > SSCC Setup to open the Customer SSCC Setup page.
  4. Select the GRAI option on the Require Shipping Unit Registration field.
    An error message appears when the SSCC is disabled for the customer and the GRAI option cannot be selected.
  5. Select the Pick icon on the home screen of the mobile device to open the Pick page.
  6. Enter or scan the Warehouse Pick number for a customer on the Pick/SO/Trans/WMS No. field.
  7. In the Identifier field, enter or scan the License Plate number, which is the Customer SSCC Number.
  8. Scan the item and lot number on the mobile device.
    The quantity on the License Plate number is compared with the quantity on the Warehouse Pick line.
    An error message appears if the quantity on the license plate is more than the quantity on the warehouse pick line.
  9. When the partial picking process starts, scan a New License Plate that should match the Customer SSCC number.
  10. After scanning the new License Plate number, scan the Take License Plate number.
  11. In the Identifier field, enter or scan the item number.
  12. Approve if the Shipping container code is correct.
  13. In the Identifier field, enter or scan the lot number.
  14. Scan the GRAI number.
    The quantity to handle for picking is suggested based on the value of the quantity per shipping unit in the Default Packaging setup.

    When the shipping unit is not defined as default and does not exist in the Default Packaging setup, you can fill the quantity and change the suggested quantity value.
    The scanned GRAI number is stored in Shipping Unit No. field on the Mobile Scan Entries page.

  15. Repeat the steps 10 to 14.

The system recognizes two mobile scan entries for the shipping unit numbers.


You can also perform GRAI registration for catch weight items when handling license plate tracked items in the warehouse pick, ensuring accurate weight tracking and registration during the warehouse pick process.

Different items are scanned from different Take License Plate numbers and placed under the new License Plate number.

The value of the Shipping unit number in the Mobile Scan Entries is copied into the Shipping unit number of the SSCC line.

When having multiple scan entries with multiple lots for the same SSCC header, then a check must happen to confirm if the SSCC header is already present. Then, a new SSCC line for each mobile entry should be created.

In the Customer SSCC Setup, an error occurs if there are mixed lots or homogenous lots in the same process.

When multiple GRAI numbers are scanned to the same License Plate number/SSCC number having the same item number/lot number, a separate Mobile Scan Entry must be created for each scanned GRAI. When executing the Transfer Scan Data function and Register Warehouse Pick function, this must result in the same number of SSCC lines. For creating the Item Tracking Lines for the Warehouse Shipment, the total quantity must be calculated per item/lot. An Item Ledger Entry is created while posting the Warehouse Shipment.