License plate overview

Article07/10/20244 min read

The License Plate Overview page provides a comprehensive view of relevant license plate records. By applying filters across fields like License Plate, Item, Variant, Item Category, Location, Bin, Lot, and Inspection Status, you can access and review specific information associated with these records. This page serves as a centralized hub to efficiently explore and manage relevant data associated with license plates. You can access the License Plate Overview page in the following five ways:

  • From the Search bar⁠: No default filters are applied, and the page initially displays no data.
    Select the Search icon , enter License Plate Overview, and then choose the related link to open the page.
  • From the License Plate list or License Plate Card page: A default filter is set to the License Plate Filter field, showing data specific to the chosen license plate record.
  1. Select the Search icon , enter License Plates, and then choose the related link to access the License Plates list page.
  2. Select the desired license plate record, click Edit on the action bar, and then select Related > Entries > License Plate Overview.
  • From the License Plates History list or License Plate History Card page: Filters are applied to the License Plate Filter field, displaying information tied to the selected license plate history record.
  1. Select the Search icon , enter License Plates History, and then choose the related link to open the License Plates History list page.
  2. Select the relevant license plate history record, click Edit on the action bar, and then select Related > Entries > License Plate Overview.
  • From the Items list or Item Card page: A default filter is applied to the Item Filter field, showing specific data related to the chosen item number.
  1. Select the Search icon , enter Items, and then choose the related link to open the Items list page.
  2. Select the desired item record to open the Item Card page, and then select Related > Warehouse > License Plate Overview.
  • From the Stockkeeping Units (SKU) list or Stockkeeping Unit Card page: Default filters are applied based on the selected SKU record, displaying data for the specific item number, location code, and variant code.
  1. Select the Search icon , enter Stockkeeping Units, and then choose the related link to open the Stockkeeping Units list page.
  2. Select the desired stockkeeping unit record, open the Stockkeeping Unit Card page, and then select Related > Warehouse > License Plate Overview.

On the License Plate Overview page, you can view all the information related to the relevant license plate records by applying filters to the following fields:

  • License Plate Filter
  • Item Filter
  • Variant Filter
  • Item Category Filter
  • Location Filter
  • Bin Filter
  • Lot Filter
  • Inspection Status Filter

In the above fields, select an option from the drop-down menu to apply the filters. On the action bar, select the Refresh Overview action to apply the changes.

This page displays the following information about the license plate records:

  • License Plate No.
  • Item No.
  • Variant Code
  • Item Description
  • Unit of Measure Code
  • No. of Unique Items
  • Lot No.
  • Blocked
  • Expiration Date
  • Serial No.
  • Location Code
  • Bin Code
  • Quantity
  • Quantity (Base)
  • Zone Code
  • Shipping Container Code
  • Inspection Status Code

The item with the highest quantity is displayed for the license plates, which consist of more than one unique item. You can view the details by expanding the line.

On the action bar, you can filter the license plate records based on the following values:

  • All – Select this filter to view only the license plate records which contain inventories.
  • Active + Empty License Plates – Select this filter to view the license plate records which contain inventories and do not contain inventories.
  • Empty License Plates - Select this filter to view only the license plate records which do not contain inventories.

To view the License Plate – Details FactBox on the right side of the screen, click the icon on the action bar. To open this page in Microsoft Excel for further ease, click the icon on the action bar and select the Open in Excel option.