License plate history information

Article07/10/20243 min read

The License Plates History Information is provided by the License Plates History list and License Plate History Card page. A license plate history card will automatically be created when emptying or shipping the inventories for a license plate tracked item and location.

License plates history list

On the License Plates History list page, you can view the empty or shipped license plate records. These records are identical copies of the license plate records on the License Plates list page, except that these records have been shipped or emptied. The license plate records with no inventories will be displayed by default.


You can view the license plate records that consist of the items by removing the filter on the Empty field.

License plate history card

On the License Plate History Card page, you can view the complete history of the license plate records. These records display the item ledger entries with some additional information that was created with the relevant license plate. The license plate history card will automatically be created when an outbound transaction has been performed. For more information, see Outbound transactions.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter License Plate History, and then choose the related link.
    The License Plate History list page opens.

  2. Select the relevant No.
    The License Plate History Card page opens.

  3. On the General FastTab, turn on the Blocked toggle to block the license plate from being used in transactions.
    On the Lines table, the Item No., Item Description, Variant Code, Quantity, Unit of Measure Code, Expiration Date, Lot No., and Serial No. fields of the item on the license plate are specified.

  4. On the Lines FastTab, click the lot number to navigate to the relevant Lot No. Information Card page.


    If the item record has multiple lots assigned to it, you can choose the lot number that you want to view from the list of lot records.

  5. On the action bar, select Move License Plate to directly move the license plate (or part of the items on the license plate) from one location/bin to another. This functionality is explained in To change location/bin of a license plate.

  6. On the action bar, select Print Label(s) to print the label(s) for the license plate(s). You can choose the specific item ledger entries that you want to print from the list. The printed label depends on the selected option in the Label Printing Method field on the License Plating Setup page.

  7. On the action bar, click Related > Entries.

    • Select Item Ledger Entries to view the item ledger entries of the license plate.
    • Select Warehouse Entries to view the warehouse entries of the license plate.
    • Select License Plate Overview to see the overview of the license plate.
  8. On the action bar, click Related > License Plate > Item Tracing to track the usage of a specific license plate number assigned to items. For instance, it helps locate the originating package of a defective component or identifies customers who have received items containing the defective component.

When personalizing the License Plate History Card page, the FactBox can be made visible on the page. This area is used to display content including Links and Notes.

  • Links allow you to add links to a URL or path on the record shown on this page. When you choose a link, the target file opens.
  • Notes allow you to write a note on the record shown on this page.