Aptean Serial Shipping Container Code

Article07/10/20242 min read

The Aptean License Plating extension and the Aptean SSCC extension can be seamlessly integrated to facilitate the use of the SSCC numbers for the license plates.

  • On the Item Tracking Code Card page, when the Use SSCC Number Format toggle on the Package Tracking FastTab is turned on, the License Plate No. field value on the Item Tracking Lines page will be assigned based on the SSCC code set up on the Company SSCC Setup page. It’s important to note that this applies to all inbound transactions. To know more, see Company SSCC Setup.

  • The License Plate No. field value on the Item Tracking Lines page while processing sales return orders or sales credit memos is determined by the customer SSCC setup. There are two scenarios to consider:

    • If the Enable SSCC toggle on the Customer SSCC Setup page is turned on for the selected customer, the Customer SSCC Number field value is inherited as the license plate number. For more information, see Customer SSCC Setup.
    • If the Enable SSCC toggle is turned off, the field will inherit the Company SSCC Number field value as the license plate number.
  • For a non SSCC tracked item, if the customer SSCC setup is configured with the defined customer, the license plate number is inherited from the License Plating Setup page.

  • These scenarios determine the License Plate No. field value on the Item Tracking Lines page for production orders created from sales orders. For more information, see Internal Transactions.


These assignments depend on the specific configurations made on the Customer SSCC Setup page and the availability of SSCC numbers for both the customer and the company.