What's new in version 1.4.56206.0

Release Note09/16/20241 min read


Minor technical changes were made

  • To seamlessly work with the Aptean Integration Layer extension.
  • To seamlessly work with the Aptean Foundation Layer extension. This extension holds all the standard table values for its dependent extensions.

Resolved issues

The issues that were addressed in this release are listed in the following table:

55867While creating item tracking lines either in a purchase order or production output, when License Plate Numbers are created before creating the Lot Number, each license plate number is created without a lot number.
52094While the status of a co-product production order to finished, an error occurs regarding the missing license plate number.
52479When Indirect Permission is set for all the APPs for a User, an error message appears while creating Transfer Orders.
58595While the status of a co-product production order to finished, an error occurs regarding the missing registration plate number.