Setup: System Requirements

Article06/05/202310 min read

The task of acquiring hardware for a new Business Central on-premise installation is a daunting one, as there is a lot of pressure to “get it right.” Equipment with insufficient specifications will guarantee poor, sluggish performance, leading to unhappy users and an unsuccessful software deployment. A list of required specifications is readily available, but it is important to distinguish between requirements, which represent the bare minimum necessary to run the solution, and recommendations, which exceed the minimum and allow your software to operate as it was truly intended.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central operates on what is called a “three tier architecture,” in which the solution comprises three components:

  • Database Tier – the SQL Server database in which data is stored and maintained.
  • Server Tier – the Business Central Server service that facilitates communication between the Database Tier and the Client Tier.
  • Client Tier – the interface through which users access Dynamics 365 Business Central. Business Central uses a Web client.
    The advantages to this three tier architecture are beyond the scope of this document. It is important from a hardware perspective, however, because one critical decision companies must make when selecting equipment is whether the SQL Server database and the Business Central Server service can be housed on the same computer, or require separate hardware. This question can be easily answered by simply determining the number of users that will be accessing Business Central:
  • Up to 25 Users – the database and server tiers may share the same computer.
  • 26-75 Users – the database and server tiers should have their own dedicated machines.
  • 76+ Users – please contact Aptean for additional guidance.
    Based on the number of Business Central users in your organization, refer to the appropriate section on the following pages to select hardware that will allow you to get the most out of your Dynamics 365 Business Central solution.

The recommendations in this document are meant to serve as a general starting point for hardware/software selection. Your IT personnel/provider should discuss your specific needs and environment with your Business Central provider prior to making hardware and software purchases.

Up to 25 Users: SQL Server/ Business Central Server

  • Server Type: Dedicated or Virtual*
Memory32 GB64+ GB
Processor1x Quad Core Processor2-16 CPU Cores
Disks-Disks - SAS/SSD Drives, configured with the following RAID setup:
Operating System - RAID1
RPM – Minimum of 15K
T-Log – RAID1 (RAID10 Preferred)
Database – RAID10
Backup Disk – RAID1 or externally attached USB 3.0

Optional RAID:
• RAID 1 – TempDB/Master, etc.
  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
  • SQL Versions: Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express, Standard, or Enterprise
  • SQL Server Express should only be deployed for non-production use such as test or development environments. It is unsuitable for use as a live environment’s production server.

Business Central Server

25-75 Users

  • Server Type: Dedicated or Virtual*
Memory16 GB32+ GB
Processor1x Quad Core Processor2-16 CPU Cores
Disks-SAS/SSD Drives, configured with the following RAID setup:
• Operating System - RAID1
  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard

SQL Server

  • Server Type: Dedicated or Virtual*
Memory32 GB64+ GB
Processor1x Quad Core Processor2-16 CPU Cores
Disks-SAS/SSD Drives, configured with the following RAID setup:
• Operating System - RAID1
• RPM – Minimum of 15K•T-Log – RAID1 (RAID10 Preferred)
• Database – RAID10
• Backup Disk – RAID1 or externally attached USB 3.0

Optional RAID:
• RAID 1 – TempDB/Master, etc.
  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
  • SQL Versions: Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express, Standard, or Enterprise
  • We highly recommend Business Central and related SQL virtual machines run on the same host/hypervisor, as it has been observed that the placement of virtual machines on separate hosts has resulted in adverse effects on Business Central’s performance.
    SQL Server Express should only be deployed for non-production use such as test or development environments. It is unsuitable for use as a live environment’s production server.

Client workstations are used for other activities beyond accessing Business Central, it is difficult to provide hardware recommendations; specifications that allow Business Central to perform as desired may not be sufficient for other applications that will be used on the same workstation.
However, when making purchasing decisions, it should be noted that Business Central performs at a high level on workstations with Core i5 CPUs. While other considerations may necessitate the purchase of workstations with Core i7 CPUs, this is not a requirement for Business Central.

Network Recommendations

To ensure that data is transmitted to and from Business Central at optimal speeds, your network should meet the following criteria:

  • Internet Connection Latency: < 100 ms
  • User Bandwidth (Download): > 2 Mbps
  • User Bandwidth (Upload): > 0.5 Mbps

Configuring the Business Central Server

To ensure optimal performance, there are a number of configuration activities that should be performed on the Business Central server. As noted in the previous section, your Business Central Server may or may not be housed on the same machine as your SQL Server database. If each tier has its own dedicated piece of hardware, it is only necessary to perform these configuration procedures on the Business Central Server’s machine.
There are two features that must be enabled on the Business Central Server:

  • Windows Search Service – one of the components of the Business Central Server service tier is a Help Server that allows users to search and navigate among Business Central’s online help files. To allow for search capabilities, it is necessary to enable a platform called the Microsoft Windows Search service.
  • .NET Framework 4.7 – the software framework on which Business Central is run.
    The configuration procedures below apply to Windows Server 2016, which is the recommended operating system. If you are using an operating system other than Windows Server 2016, the manner in which these components are enabled may differ.

To Enable Windows Search Service:

  1. Start the Server Manager tool that is included as part of Windows Server.
  2. Click Manage, and then click Add Roles and Features.
  3. On the Before You Begin page, click Next.
  4. On the Installation Type page, select Role-based or Feature-based Installation, and then click Next.
  5. On the Server Selection page, select the server or virtual hard disk on which to install Windows Search Service.
  6. On the Server Roles page, click Next.
  7. On the Features page, select Windows Search Service, and then click Next.
  8. On the Confirmation page, verify that Windows Search Service is listed, and then click Install.

To Enable .NET Framework 4.7:

  1. Start the Server Manager tool that is included as part of Windows Server.
  2. Click Manage, and then click Add Roles and Features.
  3. On the Before You Begin page, click Next.
  4. On the Installation Type page, select Role-based or Feature-based Installation, and then click Next.
  5. On the Server Selection page, select the server or virtual hard disk on which to install .NET Framework 4.7.
  6. On the Server Roles page, click Next.
  7. On the Features page, select .NET Framework 4.7 Features, and then click Next.
  8. On the Confirmation page, a warning will be displayed asking Do you need to specify an alternate source path? If the target computer does not have access to Windows Update, click the Specify an alternate source path link to specify the path to the \sources\sxs folder on the installation media and then click OK. After you have specified the alternate source, or if the target computer has access to Windows Update, click the X next to the warning, and then click Install.
    If you are using Server Manager in Windows Server to add a role or feature to a remote server, the remote server’s computer account (DOMAIN\ComputerName$) requires access to the alternate source file path because the deployment operation runs in the SYSTEM context on the target server.

Prerequisites to Working with Business Central

Although certain activities, such as hardware setup and software installation, are readily apparent, there are other procedures that should be performed if you wish to get the most out of your Business Central solution. These steps are highlighted in the following sections.


These steps are dependent on the presence of SQL Server, and cannot be performed until after SQL Server had been installed.

Install SQL Reporting Services

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is an extension to SQL Server that allows you to create and deploy reports from SQL Server. These reports are then connected to a SQL database, such as a Business Central database. Although it is not necessary for SQL Server Reporting Services to be present on the same machine as SQL Server itself, oftentimes it is convenient to do so.
This link provides a comprehensive description of how to install SQL Reporting Services. Although the initial sections of this page contain useful information, those interested in the setup procedures can skip to the “Install Native Mode with the SQL Server Installation Wizard” section.

Install SQL Server Data Tools

If you wish to perform more extensive SQL report development and deployment activities, as well as batch deploy SSRS reports, you must install SQL Server Data Tools. These tools should be installed alongside your TEST environment, as opposed to the LIVE environment. Although it is not necessary, it is best practice to develop and test new reports within a testing environment, then move these reports to the live environment once testing requirements have been satisfied. It is not recommended that report development and testing be performed directly within a live environment.
This link provides a comprehensive description of how to install SQL Server Data Tools.

Set Up a User as a System Administrator

In order to properly assist you with configuring, testing, and troubleshooting your Business Central solution, it will be necessary for you to set up the account on your domain’s active directory, and provide that account with system administrator access to both your TEST and LIVE Business Central environments. Please consult with your IT personnel (either internal or external) as to how to best set up the user in this manner.
It will also be necessary to provide the account with sysadmin access to SQL Server. This link provides a comprehensive description of how to enable this role for users.

Obtain a Certificate for the Universal App

The Business Central Universal App comprises the Business Central Tablet client and Business Central Phone client, which make it possible for users to access Business Central data via a tablet or smartphone. This app can only run on an HTTPS protocol, and in order to enable support for HTTPS, you must implement security certificates. Complete instructions on performing this activity should be available from your certificate provider. It is recommended that you secure the data that is transmitted to and from your users’ devices by enabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on the connection to the Business Central Universal App.
This link provides additional information on how to use HTTPS and implement security certificates.

Setting Up a Test Database

In addition to your Production (aka Live) database, in which your users perform their daily work activities, it is also necessary to set up a Test database for the purpose of testing updates, enhancements, and new business processes. Once a particular update or procedure passes testing, it can be deployed within the Production environment. The Test database also serves as a training environment for new users.

Regardless of whether your Business Central server is located at your site or a hosting facility, your Test database should exist on a separate server from your Production database. Only under extenuating circumstances should these two environments reside on the same server. The rationale behind keeping them separate is to ensure that activities performed in the Test database (such as backups or the running of lengthy batch jobs) do not have a negative effect on performance in the Production database. Segmenting the two databases also ensures that all testing activity can be performed in the Test environment without impacting the integrity of the Production environment.
In the case of the Test database, the minimum hardware requirements are acceptable; it is not necessary to acquire hardware that meets the recommendations in this document. If desired, a completely virtualized environment is sufficient.

It is recommended that the Test database be periodically refreshed with data from the Production database in order to maintain a testing/training environment that accurately reflects relatively recent business activities.