Setup: Security

Article06/05/20232 min read

If shipping activities will be processed by a user, they must have permission to access the appropriate objects.


These permissions must extend to users who may not work directly with Aptean Pack and Ship, but do process documents that are designated as being part of an Aptean Pack and Ship process. For example, if an Customer need specific setup relating to Aptean Pack and Ship, the user will need permission to update these fields on the Customer card.

The following Aptean Pack and Ship permission sets have been developed and may be assigned to users:

PermissionNAV CodeDescriptionIncludes
Ship ProcessBC-PACK-SHIPAllows the user to create and record the shipment of packages using Aptean Pack and Ship functionality. These basic Aptean Pack and Ship permissions do not allow any substantial setup capabilities on the part of the user.
Ship Customer SetupBC-PACK-SHIP-CUSTAllows the user to make entries in in the customer-based setup tables that are required to properly configure the Aptean Pack and Ship solution.Does not include the processing permissions defined within theAptean Pack and Ship Process permissions set.
Ship Item SetupBC-PACK-SHIP-ITEMAllows the user to make entries in the item-based setup tables that are required to properly configure the Aptean Pack and Ship solution.Does not include the processing permissions defined within the Aptean Pack and Ship Process permissions set.
Ship SetupBC-PACK-SHIP-SETUPAllows the user to make entries in the setup tables that are required to properly configure the Aptean Pack and Ship solution.Includes all permissions defined within the Aptean Pack and Ship Customer Setup and Aptean Pack and Ship Item Setup permissions sets. Does not include the processing permissions defined within the Aptean Pack and Ship Process permissions set.

These permission sets are included as part of Aptean Pack and Ship RapidStart Package. You can get the RapidStart configuration package by contacting Aptean Support.