Overview of Aptean Pack and Ship Functionality

Article05/08/20232 min read

The Aptean Pack and Ship solution for Business Central is comprised of two major stages, packaging and shipping.

  • Packaging: the assignment of an outbound document’s contents to one or more packages. Although the general process is the same, an organization’s level of warehouse complexity can impact the precise manner in which packaging activities are managed.
  • Shipping: recording the shipment of packaged goods. This may be performed entirely by the values and settings within Business Central, or may be processed through the 3rd Party Integration functionality. As with the packing stage, the type of warehouse environment in which shipping takes places will play a role in how this process occurs.

In addition to the packing and shipping stages, another key part of the Aptean Pack and Ship solution is the definition and assignment of freight to outbound shipments. The level of involvement that is required by the user in this process is predicated on the presence utilizing one of the 3rd Party Integrations. When Aptean Pack and Ship is utilized in conjunction with a 3rd Party Integration, the assignment of sales freight is automatically performed by this additional software. If a company chooses to use Aptean Pack and Ship without the 3rd Party Integration, this activity must be performed manually within Business Central.