What's new in version 2.6.47119.0

Release Note09/16/20242 min read


This release introduces integration to the Aptean Pack and Ship solution, which now performs the pick, pack, ship, and all EDI features supported by Aptean.


The content related to all other shipping integrations is moved under legacy section and will no longer get updates, enhancements, or support.

Renamed Actions and Fields

  • On the Extension Management page, the extension has been renamed as Aptean Pack and Ship.
  • On the User Card page, the Pack-n-Ship user permission set has been renamed as Aptean Pack and Ship.
  • The Pack-n-Ship Setup page has been renamed as Ship Setup.
  • The Pack-n-Ship Cue Setup page has been renamed as Ship Cue Setup.
  • On the Customer Card and Item Card page, the Pack-n-Ship FastTab has been renamed as Ship.
  • The Pack-n-Ship action has been renamed as Ship on the following pages:
    • Sales Orders
    • Sales Order
    • Inventory Pick
    • Posted Inventory Picks
    • Edit – Inventory Pick Packaging
    • Warehouse Shipment
    • Posted Warehouse Shipment
    • Transfer Order
    • Transfer Packaging
    • Posted Transfer Shipment
  • The Pack-n-Ship caption has been renamed as Ship on the following reports:
    • Pick List
    • Put-away List
    • Shipmt. Picking List

Added Actions

  • On the Shipping Batch page, a new Print All Documents action is added under the Print menu that you can use to print all the documents.


    This Print All Documents action is added only for Aptean Ship.

  • On the Shipping Batch page, a new Carrier Labels action is added under the Print menu that you can use to print the carrier labels.

  • On the Shipping Batch page, Package Label and Custom Invoice actions are newly added under the Print menu that you can use to print the package labels and custom invoices.


    The Package Label and Custom Invoice actions are added only for EasyPost.

  • On the Shipping Batch page, the Edit Shipment, View Shipment, and Update Shipping Batch actions are newly added under the Related menu that you can use to edit shipment, view shipment, and update the shipping batch.

  • On the Shipping Carrier Service Level page, a newGet Carriers action is added to the action bar that you can use to view the carrier details.

Rate Shopping

On the Ship Setup page, a new ApteanShip rate shopping is added in the Rate Shopping API field on the Carrier Integration FastTab. You can use this to rate shop orders and packages.

Shipping Batch

You can get the shipping batch details by packing and shipping the sales order. For more information, see Shipping Batch.