Weigh Scale Entries

Article10/05/20232 min read

The Weigh Scale Entries page opens upon executing the Weigh Scale Entries function on either warehouse receipt or warehouse shipment documents. This page allows you to view all the weigh scale activities registered associated with the specific document. The following procedure describes how to view the weigh scale entries for a warehouse receipt.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Warehouse Receipts and then choose the related link.
    The Warehouse Receipts page opens.

  2. Select the preferred No.
    The Warehouse Receipt page opens.

  3. On the Lines FastTab, select Line > Weigh Scale Entries.
    The Weigh Scale Entries page opens.

    On the Weigh Scale Entries page, you will view the following fields:

Entry No.Specifies the number of the entry, as assigned when the entry was created.
Item No.Specifies the number assigned to the item that will be weighed on the Weigh Scale.
Weight ScaleSpecifies the code assigned to the scale that will be used to weigh the item.
Weight From ScaleSpecifies the output displayed by the scale in the configured unit of measure.
Unit of MeasureSpecifies the unit of measure configured in the document line.
Tare WeightSpecifies the weight of the empty packaging, shipping container, and shipping units.
QuantitySpecifies the quantity of the items expressed in the unit of measure configured on the document lines.
License Plate No.Specifies the license plate number assigned to the item being handled for the associated document line.
Lot No.Specifies the lot number of the item being handled for the associated document line.
Expiration DateSpecifies the expiration date of the Lot No.
StatusSpecifies the status of the entry. It defines whether the entry is pending or transferred.
  1. On the Weigh Scale Entries page, select the preferred Entry No.
    The Weigh Scale Registration page opens.
  2. On the action bar of Weigh Scale Registration page, select Actions > Change Status.
    The system displays a dialog box to confirm the activity.
  3. Click Yes.

The system changes the status from Transferred to Pending of the specified entry. You can use this function in case the related Item Tracking Lines are deleted or there was a mistake in the entry.