Input and output registration

Article09/29/20233 min read

Input registration

To perform input registration using weigh scale on the Shop Floor Production Power App, open the input page by selecting the component line.

  1. The following fields are now available:

    Weight from ScaleSpecifies the output displayed by the scale in the configured unit of measure.
    Tare WeightSpecifies the weight of the empty packaging, shipping container, and shipping units.
    Weight QuantitySpecifies the net weight of the item. This is calculated as (Weight from Scale - Tare Weight). This field is not editable.
  2. Select the Get Weight function to automatically retrieve the current weight information from the scale using the Aptean Scale Integration extension and populate it into the Weight from Scale field. The Tare Weight field must be filled manually.

    Alternatively, select the Fill Weight Manually button to enter the Weight from Scale field manually.

  3. Select Save. A new entry is created in the Weight Scale Entries table.

    The Weight Scale Entry is linked to the Production Order Component line and the Production Order line to which the component is related.

    The Status field of the weight scale entry is set as Transferred.

You can view the registered weight scale entries from the associated Released Production Order page on Business Central. To do this, navigate to the Prod. Order Components page, select the specific item and then select Related > Line > Weigh Scale Entries.

Output registration

To perform output registration using weigh scale on the Shop Floor Production Power App, open the output page and perform the following actions.

  1. The following fields are now available:

    Weight from ScaleSpecifies the output displayed by the scale in the configured unit of measure.
    Tare WeightSpecifies the weight of the empty packaging, shipping container, and shipping units.
    Weight QuantitySpecifies the net weight of the item. This is calculated as (Weight from Scale - Tare Weight). This field is not editable.
  2. Select the Get Weight button to automatically retrieve the current weight information from the scale using the Aptean Scale Integration extension and populate it into the Weight from Scale field. The Tare Weight field must be filled manually.

    Alternatively, select the Fill Weight Manually button to enter the Weight from Scale field manually.

  3. Select Save. A new entry is created in the Weight Scale Entries table.

    The Weight Scale Entry is linked to the Production Order Component line.

    The Status field of the weight scale entry is set as Transferred.

You can view the registered weight scale entries from the associated Released Production Order page on Business Central. To do this, navigate to the Prod. Order Components page, select the specific item and then select Related > Line > Weigh Scale Entries.


When the Aptean Catch Weight extension is also installed, the Quantity field will be available, in order to associate the captured weight. The item must be configured as a catch weight item and the base unit of measure must be different from the catch weight unit of measure.