Assign default scales to warehouse shipment

Article10/05/20232 min read

You can assign default scales to warehouse shipment documents. You can also register the weigh scale activity for the specific line items. The following procedure describes how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Warehouse Shipments and then choose the related link.
    The Warehouse Shipments page opens.
  2. Select New on the action bar.
    The Warehouse Shipment page opens.
  3. On the General FastTab, for the Shipment Default Weigh Scale field, click on the AssistEdit button and choose the Scale Code from the Location Scale Integration Setup and click OK. For more info, see Scale Integration Location Setup.

The system assigns updated scales in the Shipment Default Weigh Scale field.

Register weight for warehouse shipment

You can register the weight scale activity for the specific line items for warehouse shipment documents. The following procedure describes how to perform this activity.

  1. To register the weigh scale activity, create a warehouse shipment.
  2. Select the line item and then on the Lines FastTab, select Line > Register Weight.
    The Weigh Scale Registration page opens. To know more, see Weigh Scale Registration.

In the following scenarios, the Weigh Scale Registration page cannot be

  • If the license plate tracking or lot tracking is not enabled for the defined item.
  • If the defined item is a non-catch weight item and the defined unit of measure is not configured in the scale UOM setup.
  • If the associated warehouse pick document is not registered.

    1. To view all the weigh scale entries registered with the specific line item, on the Lines Fast tab, select Line > Weigh Scale Entries.
      The Weigh Scale Entries page opens.
    2. On the Weigh Scale Entries page, if the Status field shows Pending, on the action bar of the warehouse receipt, select Related > Transfer Weigh Scale Entries.
      The system will transfer the weigh scale entries associated with the lot number to the item tracking line.

    You cannot post the warehouse receipt document consisting of weigh scale entries with the status Pending.

    1. Fill in the required field on the Warehouse Shipment page. For more information, see Ship Items with a Warehouse Shipment.
    2. Release the document by selecting Home > Release > Release on the action bar.
      The system releases the warehouse shipment document.