Walkthrough: Stock counts, including Tracking Enhancements

Article08/01/20243 min read

When having inventory, stock counts are recommended to ensure that there are no irregularities. More information can be found on Count, Adjust, and Reclassify Inventory.

Advanced Online Warehouse Management enhanced the tracking functionalities, added the License Plate Nos, to facilitate the processes.

Required documents to scan:

Physical Inventory Journal

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Physical Inventory Journals, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select Batch Name WMS.
  3. Delete all existing lines, if any.
  4. Choose the Adv. Calculate Inventory action.
  5. Turn on the Calculate By Lot No, Serial No, and LPNo. toggles.
  6. In the Location Filter field, select SILVER_WMS.
  7. In the Bin Filter field, select SO-BULK-05.
  8. Choose OK.
  9. Select the first line.

On the scanner

  1. Open the WMS App on the scanner and login to Location SILVER_WMS, WMS Silver Warehouse London - Bonded and Tax Paid bins.
  2. Select the group Internal.
  3. Select the Stock Count module, this opens the document list.
  4. Select WMS Scanning Journal, this opens the item list.
  5. Scan Bin SO-BULK-05. The bin appears left of the quantity input. The Bin content information is displayed.
  6. In SILVER-WMS-Inventory, go to the first label of item 1082.
  7. Scan the Item Information.
  8. Scan the License Plate No.
  9. The counted quantity in the item line is changed.
  10. In the Quantity Input, enter 4.
  11. In SILVER-WMS-Inventory, go to the second label of item 1082.
  12. Scan the Item Information.
  13. Confirm the correct quantity, 4.
  14. Scan the License Plate No.
  15. The counted quantity in the item line is changed.

Scanning not expected items or bins into a physical inventory journal.

Standard setup in Stock Count Scanning is not limited, which can be the cause of incorrect information. To counter this you can add setup in Businesses Central.

Check Phys. Invt. setup

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Company Settings (WMS) and then choose the related link.
  2. Check the Phys. Invt. FastTab, the Phys. Inventory Message and Phys. Inventory Message Type fields.
  3. Close the page.

Let’s scan some incorrect information

  1. Select WMS Scanning Journal, this opens the item list.
  2. Scan Bin SO-BULK-04. The Bin content information is displayed.
  3. In SILVER-WMS-Inventory, go to the third label of item 1082.
  4. Scan the Item Information.
  5. Scan the License Plate No.
  6. No, do not confirm the entry for this bin.
  7. Scan Bin SO-BULK-04. The Bin content information is displayed.
  8. In SILVER-WMS-Inventory, go to the third label of item 1082.
  9. Scan the Item Information.
  10. Scan the License Plate No.
  11. No, do not confirm the entry for this bin.
  12. Close the popup.
  13. Scan Bin SO-BULK-05. The Bin content information is displayed.

In SILVER-WMS-Inventory, go to the first label of item 1012. 42. Scan the Item Information. 43. Scan the License Plate No. 44. Yes, confirm the entry for this bin. 45. A line of the newly scanned item is added, including the counted quantity. 46. Close the item list. 47. Close the document list.

Physical Inventory Journal

  1. Choose the Show WMS Entries action. This opens the Phys. Invt. Entries (WMS) page.
  2. Close the page.
  3. Choose the Update from WMS Entries action. The lines in the journal are updated with the scanned information, all tracking is assigned.

Now, we can check the list, and if correct, post the journal.