Walkthrough: Setup and processing picks

Article08/01/202410 min read

When setting up picks in your warehouse, you want to find the right balance between speed and control to satisfy the needs in your company.

Different physical characteristics of the warehouse combined with the needs of the customers will lead you to the best way of picking.

Full and Mix Picks

In a Warehouse the handling of full pallets is straightforward. Take the Pallet, put it on the dock, or put it immediately in the truck.

The handling of mix pallets, pallets with smaller quantities of different products on one pallet, mostly picked by hand, is therefore different.

First, we prep the pallet by picking items throughout the warehouse and add them to the pallet. The pallet is put on the dock and when the truck arrives, put on the truck.

Required documents to scan:

Check the Warehouse shipment

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Warehouse Shipments, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select SH000011, the Warehouse shipment page opens.
  3. Check the Destination No., Destination Address Code, Destination Picking Group fields.

Check the Display Unit of Measure

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Company Settings (WMS), and then choose the related link.
  2. Check the License Plating FastTab, the Show Lot No., Show Expiration date, Show Display Unit of Measure and Display format fields. Hover over a field to read a short description.
  3. Close the page.
  4. Select the Search icon , enter Items, and then choose the related link.
  5. Select the Search icon , enter LPN.
  6. Choose the first No., the Item page opens.
  7. Check the Advanced Warehouse Management FastTab.
  8. In the Display Unit of Measure field, select PAL.
  9. Close the page.
  10. Close the list.

Check the picking template

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Picking Templates, and then choose the related link.
  2. Filter the Picking Template Group on 2_FULLMIX.
  3. Only 21_FULL and 21_MIX are activated. These picking template lines will create a full pallet warehouse pick and mix pallet warehouse pick for every destination.
  4. Choose the Edit List action.
  5. To avoid a line for each License Plate, deselect the Split lines per Pick Unit of Measure field.
  6. Close the picking template page.

To add a default Picking Template group to a warehouse employee, please check Setting Up Warehouse Employees for Advanced Warehouse Management.

Create Warehouse Picks

  1. In the Warehouse Shipment, choose the Create Pick action.
  2. In the Picking Template Group field, select 2_FULLMIX.
  3. Choose OK.
  4. Choose the search icon, enter Warehouse Picks, and then choose the related link.
  5. In the list, for picks with location Code SILVER_WMS, check the Destination No., Destination Address Code, Pick Template Group and Pick Template Code fields.
  6. Select the second Pick, this opens the page.

On the scanner

  1. Open the WMS App on the scanner and login to Location SILVER_WMS, WMS Silver Warehouse London - Bonded and Tax Paid bins.
  2. Select the group Outbound.
  3. Select the Pick module, this opens the document list.
  4. Select the second line, this opens the item list.
  5. Check the first two lines, item 1012, on the pick.

Explanation The scanner proposes to first go to Bin SO-BULK-31, take 80 CRATES (2 PAL). Then go to Bin SO-BULK-01. In the picking template the Sorting Method, is FEFO-Exclusivity By Pick Order. So oldest Lot No. first. Always following the bin order behind the action Picking Order. To check, open the bin contents, and check the different bins with item 1012. You will find 80 crates on bin SO-BULK-31 with Expiration date 01/12/24, 800 crates on bin SO-BULK-01 with Expiration date 01/01/25 and 120 crates on bin SO-BULK-31 with Expiration date 01/02/25. To pick 240 crates, we will first pick 80 crates from SO-BULK-01, then 160 crates from SO-BULK-01.

When checking the pick lines on the scanner we see the Base Unit of measure, which is not always easy on picking.

Add the Display Unit of Measure

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Company Settings (WMS), and then choose the related link.
  2. Enable the Show Display Unit of Measure field.
  3. Enter %1 %3 %2 in the field Display format.
  4. Close the page. Do remember, we added the Display unit of Measure PAL to the item 1012.

On the scanner

  1. Refresh the screen.

Refreshing the screen on an Android device is done by gently putting one finger on the upper half of the screen and gently move it downwards. Check the Display Unit of Measure in the lines of item 1012.

  1. Close the item list.
  2. Close the document List.

When checking the Warehouse Shipment lines, we find one destination with the Destination Picking group CHEP. Which means, this customer wants his deliveries on License Plates of the Type CHEP..

How can we accomplice our warehouse employees to take those License Plates types for this customer first? And when thinking about this, it should be nice to not take the License Plate Type CHEP for the other customers, because our other customers are standardly delivered on License Plates of the Type EURO.

Remove the Display Unit of Measure

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Company Settings (WMS), and then choose the related link.
  2. Enable the Show Display Unit of Measure field.
  3. Enter %3 %2 in the Display format field.
  4. Close the page.

Change the picking template

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Picking Templates, and then choose the related link.
  2. Filter the Picking Template Group on 2_FULLMIX.
  3. Choose the Edit List action.
  4. On the line 20_FULL_CHEP, enable the Active field.
  5. On the line 21_FULL, change the Sorting Method field to License Plate Type - FEFO.
  6. On the line 21_FULL, select Transport Unit of Measure in the Qty. Display Type field.
  7. Close the picking template page.

Create new picks

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Warehouse Picks, and then choose the related link.
  2. Delete all picks with location Code SILVER_WMS.
  3. Close the list.
  4. In the Warehouse Shipment, choose the Create Pick action.
  5. In the Picking Template Group field, select 2_FULLMIX.
  6. Choose OK.
  7. Select the Search icon , enter Warehouse Picks, and then choose the related link.
  8. In the list, for picks with location Code SILVER_WMS, check the Destination No., Destination Address Code, Pick Template Group and Pick Template Code fields. Notice, the first pick to have the Picking Template Code 20_FULL_CHEP.
  9. Select the first Pick, this opens the page. In Business Central the Pick lines are identical to the pick we created before.

On the scanner 58. Select the Pick module, this opens the document list. 59. Select the first line, this opens the item list.

In our warehouse we have only 5 License Plates for item 1012 on the License Plate Type CHEP. We need to pick 6 License Plates on CHEP for this customer, so first the CHEP License plates are proposed, the EURO, which can be changed to CHEP before shipping. Using the Transport Unit of Measure, the quantity is also displayed per License Plate.

  1. Close the item list.
  2. Select the second line, this opens the item list.
  3. Check the quantities and unit of measure.
  4. Close the item list.
  5. Select the last line, a mix pick, this opens the item list.
  6. Check the quantities and unit of measure.
  7. Close the item list.

The full License Plate pick

  1. Select the first line, this opens the item list.
  2. Scan the License Plate No. 4 0010000 000000426 5.
  3. The quantity in the item line is reduced by the picked quantity.
  4. Repeat scanning the last 2 pages of the labels.
  5. The quantity in the item line is every time reduced by the picked quantity. When all quantity is picked for a line, the line will disappear from the list. You end up only having to pick 2 License Plates.
  6. Scan the License Plate No. 4 0010000 000000401 2.
  7. Scan the License Plate No. 4 0010000 000000381 7. All License Plates are picked.
  8. Choose Complete, Yes, to finish the Pick.

The Mix pick

Before starting the pick some explanations about the operating procedure and the setup.

One license Plate can never be in 2 bins on the same moment. What means when picking items from one License Plate No., we will move them to another License Plate No., also referred to as a Mixed Label or Mix License Plate.

Or we move them to Full License Plate No. for the same Warehouse Shipment, Destination No. and Destination Address Code. E.g.: adding T-shirts to a full license plate of crates.

The workflow:

  • Print a new mixed label
  • Scan the mixed label as your destination license plate
  • Pick the items

Check Setup

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Picking Templates, and then choose the related link.
  2. Filter the Picking Template Code on 21_MIX.
  3. Check the Sorting Method.
  4. Select the Search icon , enter Locations and then choose the related link.
  5. Select the Location SILVER_WMS.
  6. Choose the Bins action.
  7. Choose the Search action, enter MIX.
  8. Check the Auto FEFO Pick field to have All Content in all the mix bins. This indicates, no matter how many different lot No’s of the item in the bin, when scanning the bin we will automatically pick the oldest Lot No, first, etc…
  9. Select the dropdown of the Picking Group field, the dropdown opens.
  10. Select from full list.
  11. Notice the Quick Pick Confirmation field is enabled. This will trigger a quantity confirmation when picking in this bin group.
  12. Close the Bins list.
  13. Close the Location Card.
  14. Close the Locations list.

To be able to use the Quick Pick Confirmation functionality in the mix picks, following setup is imperative:

  • Enable the Quick Pick Confirmation field in the relevant Bin groups.
  • Select All Content in the Auto FEFO Pick field in the relevant mix bins.
  • Enable the Active field on the line with Get Whse Item Quantity in the Resolver field of the Module Validations.

On the scanner

  1. Select the third line, this opens the item list.
  2. Select the document Menu.
  3. Select Create Mix Label.
  4. Submit. A mix label is printed.
  5. Select the document Menu.
  6. Select Destination Plate.
  7. Scan the License Plate No. from the printed label. The Destination Plate is displayed above the Quantity Input.

As we learned from the setup the bins to pick from are All Content Auto FEFO Pick.

  1. Scan the bin SO-MIX-01.
  2. Confirm the Quantity.
  3. The quantity in the item line is every time reduced by the picked quantity. Because we picked the total quantity of the line, the line is disappeared from the list.

Check the Pick

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Detailed Warehouse Entries, and then choose the related link.
  2. Check the license plates on the first 2 lines in the list. The items are picked from the license plate in the bin and put on the mixed pallet license plate.
  3. Close the Detailed Warehouse Entries list.

On the scanner

  1. Scan the bin SO-MIX-02.
  2. Confirm the Quantity.

Because our first Mixed Pallet is finished, we create a second one.

  1. Select the document Menu.
  2. Select Create Mix Label.
  3. Submit. A mix label is printed.
  4. Select the document Menu.
  5. Select Destination Plate.
  6. Scan the License Plate No. from the printed label. The New Destination Plate is displayed above the Quantity Input.
  7. Scan the bin SO-MIX-04.
  8. Confirm the Quantity.
  9. Scan the bin SO-MIX-05.
  10. Confirm the Quantity.
  11. Choose Complete, Yes, to finish the Pick.

Auto FEFO Pick is not the most accurate way of picking, but the most common in the pick zone. It is possible the warehouse employee takes lot 2 and the scanner auto FEFO registers Lot 1. In most pick zones only 1 Lot No is in the bin, and if returns, those lot nos are put in front, so warehouse employee should take this first. Auto FEFO Pick works on the bin and all License Plates in this bin. When picking Full License Plates, never use Auto FEFO Pick bins.

  1. Open all other picks and pick.

When encountering a BULK Bin to pick from in a Mix Pick, please first move 1 License Plate from the BULK to the MIX bin, as it would be in a real warehouse.

When encountering a Mix Pick existing out of T-Shits and Glasses, add those item to one of the picked Ful License Plates for this destination (Deerfield Drinks). For this you can check the License Plate List.

  1. When a pick is finished, choose Complete, Yes.
  2. Close the document list.