Walkthrough: Receiving a Purchase Order

Article07/18/20243 min read

We purchase beer to distribute from another brewery. They send us the beer on pallets with pallet labels including SSCC Nos. We receive those pallets and put them away in our warehouse.

Required documents to scan:

Purchase Order to Receipt

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Purchase Orders, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Purchase Orders page, choose the New action.
  3. In the Vendor Name field, enter the No. 95820 (Mortimor Brewery LPN).
  4. In the Location Code field, enter SILVER_WMS.
  5. Fill in the lines:
ItemQuantityUnit of Measure Code
  1. Choose the Release action.
  2. Choose the Create Whse. Receipt action. The Warehouse Receipt page opens.

For more information, please also check Receive items

  1. Change the Release To Scanner field to Enabled.

Some background explanation When using the Release to scanner field is enabled, a line is created in the WMS Activity List. This line will be displayed in the document list on the scanner.

On the scanner

  1. Open the WMS App on the scanner and login to Location SILVER_WMS, WMS Silver Warehouse London - Bonded and Tax Paid bins.
  2. Select the group Inbound.
  3. Select the Module Receipt, this opens the document list.
  4. Select the first line, this opens the item list.
  5. Scan barcode from label starting by the Item, until all information is provided to post the output, the scanner will ask for information if needed.

For the provided labels, this means to first scan the vertical barcode on the left side, providing you Item, Lot No, Expiration Date and quantity. Then scan the horizontal barcode on top, providing you the SSCC No. Or scan the 2D label providing you all information at once.

  1. The quantity in the item line is reduced by the received quantity.
  2. Repeat scanning until all labels are scanned.
  3. The quantity in the item line is every time reduced by the received quantity. When all quantity is received for an item, the line for this item will disappear from the list.

Explanation* Every time a label is fully scanned, a line is created in the WMS Entries of the document line in the WMS Activity List. This line has all the information to be able to post the receipt of the scanned License Plate. The Receipt toggle in the WMS Configuration of the Location SILVER_WMS is turned on, it means that the Warehouse Receipt will automatically be posted when completing the Receipt on the scanner. If the Receipt toggle is turned off, you can check the WMS Entries in the WMS Activity List before manually posting the Warehouse Receipt.

  1. Choose Complete, Yes, to finish the Receipt.
  2. Close the document list.

The posting of the receipt is periodic, so it could take some seconds before the receipt is posted and the put-away is created.

  1. Select the Put-Away module, this opens the document list.
  2. Select the first line, this opens the item list.
  3. Scan the Destination Bin, SO-BULK-23.
  4. Scan the SSCC for item 1512.
  5. The quantity in the item line is reduced by the quantity already put away.
  6. Repeat scanning until all labels are scanned.

Please be aware, some bins are protected by an Exclusivity Type, with the result that you cannot place multiple items in this bin. Put the item 1682 in the bin SO-BULK-24.

  1. The quantity in the item line is every time reduced by the put away quantity. When all the quantity is put away for an item, the line for this item will disappear from the list.
  2. Choose Complete, Yes, to finish the Put-Away.
  3. Close the document list.

The receipt is posted, the put away registered, to verify the warehouse movements, check the Warehouse Entries and the Detailed Warehouse Entries.