Walkthrough: Confirm on every place identity

Article07/18/20248 min read

Some companies do need more registrations within their warehouse.

In the pick, we scan the LPN or bin and/or item info, to register the pick from the bin we scanned to the shipping bin on our Warehouse Pick. In some warehouses we have multiple picks to multiple docks done by multiple employees, occasionally interim employees, etc.

When loading a truck, we can scan the License Plates loaded in the truck. But is it the correct truck?

To check upon these place identities, we can add extra controls, setup and used in this walkthrough. The Place Identities we can check upon are Shipment bin and Shipping agent, and when Drink-IT Logistics installed, it is also to check upon the Dock and the Truck or Trailer instead.

The License Plate Status flow

Every license Plate has a status, these can be found in the Advanced Warehouse Management Setup in a standard sales outbound process the used statuses are:

  • OPEN: An inventory License Plate
  • PICKED: A License Plate, picked and placed on the shipment bin
  • LOADED: A License Plate, loaded on the truck
  • SHIPPED: A License Plate, from a posted Warehouse Shipment

In a sales outbound process with extra checks on the place identities, we will add some statuses in the flow. The statuses in the flow become:

  • OPEN: An inventory License Plate
  • PICKED: A License Plate, picked and placed on the shipment bin, waiting for confirmation of the shipment bin or dock.
  • TOLOAD: A License Plate, picked, shipment bin or dock confirmed and ready to be loaded.
  • LOADING: A License Plate, in the process of loading, waiting for confirmation of the Shipment Agent, truck or trailer.
  • LOADED: A License Plate, Shipment Agent, truck or trailer confirmed, loaded on the truck
  • SHIPPED: A License Plate, on a posted Warehouse Shipment


To add the confirmation on the Shipment bin when picking

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Picking Templates, and then choose the related link.
  2. Filter on the Picking Template Group 4_FM_CHECK.
  3. Check the value in the Transport Validation Type field. This is the entity we want to be confirmed in the pick.
  4. Close the page.
  5. Select the Search icon , enter Transport Validation Tables, and then choose the related **link.
  6. Check the values in the **Transport Validation Type line.
  7. Close the page. In this table, we find the values to look within a table to be sure the value is genuine and to define the License Plate Status after confirmation. To only been able to check upon bins, which are actual shipping bins, we check:
  8. Select the Search icon , enter Locations, and then choose the related link.
  9. Select the Location SILVER_WMS. The Location page opens.
  10. Choose the Bins action.
  11. Filter the Is Shipping Bin field to Yes.
  12. Close all pages. To check upon the correct value, we check:
  13. Select the Search icon , enter Logistic Statuses, and then choose the related link.
  14. Filter on the Code TOLOAD.
  15. Check the value in the Handle License Plate Transport field. By enabling this field, a mandatory correct transport validation, in this case the shipping bin, is necessary before accepting you to go to the next step on the scanner, scanning another license plate or finishing the pick.

How to create a check on the next step, loading?

Once the item is picked and we confirmed the Shipment bin, the License Plate Status becomes TOLOAD. If we do not change any setup, we can process the Shipment Load List by only scanning every License Plate No., we put on the truck, without confirming anything. In this walkthrough, we will add the setup to confirm the shipping agent when loading the License Plates.
16. Choose the Edit List action.
17. Choose Shipping Agent in the Next Transport Validation field.
18. Filter on the Code LOADED.
19. Enable the Handle License Plate Transport field.
20. Filter on the Code LOADING.
21. Enable the Show On Load List field.
To show License Plates without Shipping agent confirmation on the load list until you scanned the Shipping Agent.
22. Close the page.
23. Select the Search icon , enter Transport Validation Tables, and then choose the related link.
24. On the Transport Validation Tables page, choose the New action.
25. Fill in line:

CodeTable-IDField No. To ValidateViewStatus
  1. Close the page.
  2. Select the Search icon , enter Shipping Agents, and then choose the related link.
  3. In the Transport Validation Type field of all lines, select Shipping Agent.
  4. Close the page.

Sales Order to Warehouse picks.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Sales Orders, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select 1527, the Sales Order page opens.
  3. Choose the Release action.
  4. Close the sales order.
  5. Select 1528, the Sales Order page opens.
  6. Choose the Release action.
  7. Choose the Create Warehouse Shipment action, the Warehouse Shipment page opens.
  8. Choose the Get Source Documents action. The Source Documents page opens.
  9. Select the Shipment Date of Sales Order 1257. The lines of this Sales Order are added to the Warehouse Shipment.
  10. Choose the Create Pick action.
  11. In the Picking Template Group option, select 4_FM_CHECK.
  12. Choose OK.
  13. Check the Bin in the Warehouse Shipment Header.
  14. In the Shipping Agent Code field, select DHL. When using Routes in Drink-IT Logistics add the Shipping Agent to the Route Planning No. in the Route Planning Worksheet

On the scanner

The full pick
44. Open the WMS App on the scanner and login to Location SILVER_WMS, WMS Silver Warehouse London - Bonded and Tax Paid bins.
45. Select the Outbound group.
46. Select the Pick module, this opens the document list.
47. Select the first line, this opens the item list.
48. Scan License Plate 4 0010000 000000411 1.
The quantity in the item line is every time reduced by the picked quantity. When all quantity is picked for a line, the line will disappear from the list.
49. An instruction appears to scan the shipment bin.
Let’s suppose you drive to the wrong shipment bin with your pallet.
50. Scan SO SHIP-TP-02, an error message forces you to scan the correct shipping bin. Close the error message.

You don’t mind and go out to get the next pallet.

  1. Scan the next License Plate No, an error message forces you to scan the correct shipping bin. Close the error message.

In the full pick it is mandatory to scan the confirmation after every pick, what means, you take a pallet, drive off to the correct shipment bin, you scan the shipment bin.

  1. Scan SO SHIP-TP-01, the scanner is ready for the second License Plate.
  2. Scan License plates for all items and confirm the shipping bin.

When scanning from labels on a paper, and not real labels on pallets in a warehouse, it is possible to scan a label, which is not in your warehouse anymore, you will get the appropriate Business Central error message, because the pallet is not in the bin content anymore.

  1. Choose Complete, Yes.

The Mix Pick

  1. Back in the document list, select the first line, this opens the item list.
  2. Select the document Menu.
  3. Select Create Mix Label.
  4. Submit. A mix label is printed.
  5. Select the document Menu.
  6. Select Destination Plate.
  7. Scan the License Plate No. from the printed label. The Destination Plate is displayed above the Quantity Input.
  8. Scan Bin SO-MIX-01, confirm the quantity. The quantity in the item line is every time reduced by the picked quantity. When all quantity is picked for a line, the line will disappear from the list.
  9. An instruction appears to scan the shipment bin.

In a mix bin it is possible you add multiple items to a mixed license plate. It is not necessary to scan the shipping bin after each pick. You only need to scan the shipment bin, when placing the license plate on the shipment bin. You are not allowed to exit the pick before scanning the shipment bin.

  1. Scan Bins and/or License plates and/or item information to pick all items.
  2. All lines are gone, choose Complete.
  3. A popup appears to scan the shipment bin, choose CANCEL.
  4. Choose the back arrow.
  5. A popup appears to scan the shipment bin.
  6. Scan SO-SHIP-TP-01.
  7. The instruction is gone, choose Complete, and then click Yes.
  8. Close the document list.

The Shipment Load List

  1. Select the Shipment Load List module, this opens the document list.
  2. Select the first line, this opens the item list.
  3. Scan License Plate 4 0010000 000000331 2. You are warned, this License Plate is not for this list, to avoid putting incorrect License Plates on the truck.
  4. Scan License Plate 4 0010000 000000411 1.
  5. An instruction appears to scan the shipping Agent.
  6. Long press the first line in the Shipment Load List, an error message forces you to scan the correct shipping agent. Close the error message.
  7. Scan DHL, if no barcode for DHL, enter DHL, using the Input field.
  8. The instruction disappears.
  9. Scan License plates for all lines and confirm the shipping agent.
  10. Choose Complete, and then click Yes.

On the Warehouse Shipment

  1. Choose the Open Record action, in the Pallets. This opens the License Plate List, filtered on the warehouse shipment.
  2. Check the License Plate Status.
  3. Choose the Open Record action, on the No. This opens the License Plate Page.
  4. Check the Confirmed Transport Validation Type and Code.
  5. Close the page.
  6. Close the list.
  7. Choose the Post Shipment action.