Integration with Aptean Production Over Pick

Article09/04/20243 min read

You can integrate the Aptean Warehouse Management System extension with the Aptean Production Over Pick extension, where the system supports over and under picking for component consumption, allowing warehouse employees to pick quantities that differ from the production order. It enables flexibility in picking more or less than the ordered amount.

Ensure that the over and under delivery percentages are configured on the Item Card page within the corresponding bill of materials. When a warehouse employee picks a quantity that exceeds or falls short of the production order, the system will allow the actual quantity picked. Consequently, the system successfully processes the over or under picking, ensuring accurate and efficient component consumption operations.

Additionally, the warehouse pick activity can only be completed with a single line, which includes both take and place actions.


On the Location Card page, on the Warehouse FastTab, the Prod. Consumption Whse. Handling field must be set as Warehouse Pick (Mandatory).

In Business Central

In Business Central, follow these steps to process a released production order, including setting up component lines and creating warehouse pick lines.

  1. Open the Released Production Order page.

  2. On the General FastTab, in the No. field, select the required document number.

  3. In the Source No. field, select the item number.

  4. In the Quantity field, enter the required quantity.

  5. On the Posting FastTab, in the Location Code field, select the warehouse location.

  6. Fill out the desired fields.


    The production BOM associated with the item must be configured with the over and under-pick setups. To know more about over and under-pick setups, see OUP setup.

  7. On the action bar, select Refresh Production Order to calculate the changes to the production order header.

  8. On the action bar, select Released Production Order.
    The system initiates the values of the component lines.
    You can view the line updated on the Prod. Order Components page.

  9. On the action bar, select Create Warehouse Pick.
    The Whse.-Source – Create Document page opens.

  10. Fill out the required details and select OK.

The warehouse pick lines are created.

In the scanner

In the scanner, follow these steps to manage the pick process, including handling over and under-pick quantities.

  1. Open the WMS app on the device and log in to your location.

  2. Select the Outbound group.

  3. Select the Pick module.
    On the Pick screen, you can view the list of documents.
    You can select the desired line to open the item list.
    When the order contains the same item with multiple lines, only one line will appear on the scanner, accommodating the total quantity from each line.

  4. In the Qty field, enter the additional or lower quantity allowed for the over and under-pick process.

  5. Enter or scan the bin code and destination license plate details.

  6. Enter or scan the take license plate number.


    The system throws an error if the production pick variance is not within the allowed percentage of over or under-pick for the item.

    A confirmation message will appear if you perform the receive activity with a quantity lower than the allowed percentage for under-pick.

  7. Select the Under Pick checkbox to proceed.
    Alternatively, you can continue without selecting the checkbox. In that case, the system will only consider the specified quantity to be picked and will complete the pick activity based on that quantity, disregarding the allowed under-pick percentage.

  8. Select COMPLETE.
    A dialog box opens.

  9. Select Yes to finish the pick activity.

When entire quantity for an item is picked, the line for this item will be removed from the list.

  1. Post the item journal and finish the production order in Business Central.

You can view the received quantities in the following fields:

  • The Qty. Picked field on the Prod. Order Components page. Also, the Under-pick checkbox is selected.
  • The Qty. (Base) field on the Detailed Warehouse Entries page.