Weighbridge Ticket

Article10/03/20235 min read

On the Weighbridge Ticket page, you can view the accurate weight of the defined items and get a summarized view of all internally recorded weights. The following steps describe how to set up the fields on the Weighbridge Ticket page.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Weighbridge Tickets, and then choose the related link.
    The Weighbridge Tickets list page opens.

  2. Select the required No.
    The Weighbridge Ticket page opens.

  3. On the General FastTab, fill in the field as follows:

No.Enter the code for the number series that will be used to assign numbers to weighbridge ticket.
Source TypeEnter the source type of this weighbridge ticket.
Source No.Enter the number of the source document that the weighbridge ticket originates from.
Vendor No.Enter the number of the vendor. The field is filled automatically based on the document from which the weighbridge ticket is generated.
Vendor NameEnter the name of the vendor who delivers the items/products.
StatusSpecifies whether the weighbridge ticket is new, inbound registered, outbound registered, or posted.
Weighbridge Base UOMEnter the base unit used to measure the item, such as piece, box, or pallet. The base unit of measure also serves as the conversion basis for alternate units of measure.
Unknown Tare ReceivingSpecifies whether you can receive lots or pallets before vehicle tare is known. This activates a two-stage receiving process where the inbound weight is registered first and then the outbound weight is registered.
Source LocationEnter the source location from which the weighbridge ticket has been originated.
Scale CodeSelect the scale code selected from location scale setup, based on source location.
External Ticket No.Specifies the external ticket number of the weighbridge ticket.
  1. In the Scale Code field, select the AssistEdit button to assign a scale code for the defined weighbridge ticket.
    The Location Scale Integration Setup page opens.
  2. Select the required Scale Code and click OK.

The Location Scale Integration Setup page displays scale codes linked to the Source Location field.

  1. On the Inbound/Outbound FastTab, you can view the following fields:
Inbound Scale ReadingSpecifies the scale reading of the vehicle, items, and packaging entering the warehouse location. It is the gross weight of the entities.
Inbound Packaging TareSpecifies the weight of a single packaging unit that will be received at the warehouse location.
Inbound Packaging CountSpecifies the count of packaging that will be received at the warehouse location.
Inbound Packaging WeightSpecifies the total weight of the inbound packaging. It is the product of inbound packaging count and inbound packaging tare.
Calculated Inb. Vehicle WeightSpecifies the weight of the inbound vehicle containing the items to be received. It is the difference between inbound scale reading and inbound packaging weight.
Outbound Scale ReadingSpecifies the scale reading of the vehicle and outbound packaging leaving the warehouse location. It is the combination of Vehicle Tare and Packaging Tare.
Outbound Packaging TareSpecifies the weight of a single packaging unit that will be shipped from the warehouse location.
Outbound Packaging CountSpecifies the count of packaging that was shipped from the warehouse location.
Outbound Packaging WeightSpecifies the total weight of outbound packaging. It is the product of outbound packaging count and outbound packaging tare.
Calculated Outb. Vehicle WeightSpecifies the weight of the outbound vehicle. It is the difference between outbound scale reading and outbound packaging weight.
Calc. Quantity To ReceiveSpecifies the net weight of the item to be received. It is the difference between the calculated inbound vehicle weight and the calculated outbound weight.
Quantity To ReceiveSpecifies the net weight of the item to be received as per the receiving lines. It is the combination of all receiving lines.
  1. On the Lines FastTab, you can view the following fields:
Split %Specifies the split percentage for the line which is calculated by dividing the count of lines from 100%.
Source TypeSpecifies the source type of this weighbridge ticket.
Source No.Specifies the number of the source document that the weighbridge ticket originates from.
Source Line No.Specifies the line number of the source document from which the weighbridge ticket originates from.
Item No.Specifies the number of the item for which the weighbridge ticket is raised.
Item DescriptionSpecifies the description of the item for which the weighbridge ticket is raised.
QuantitySpecifies the number of units of the item to be included in the weighbridge ticket line. It is updated automatically from the source purchase order or warehouse receipt document.
Unit of Measure CodeSpecifies the unit used to measure the item. It is updated automatically from the source purchase order or warehouse receipt document.
Lot No.Specifies the number series code that will be used when assigning lot numbers. It is updated automatically from the source purchase order or warehouse receipt document.
Quantity to ReceiveSpecifies the net weight of the item to be received as per the receiving lines. It is the combination of all receiving lines.
Inbound Packaging TareSpecifies the weight of a single packaging unit that will be received at the warehouse location.
Inbound Packaging CountSpecifies the count of packaging that will be received at the warehouse location.
Inbound Packaging WeightSpecifies the total weight of the inbound packaging. It is the product of inbound packaging count and inbound packaging tare.
  1. On the Logistics FastTab, you can view the following fields:
Weigh In DateSpecifies the date when the vehicle is weighed with full load.
Weigh In TimeSpecifies the time when the vehicle is weighed with full load.
Weigh Out DateSpecifies the date when the vehicle is weighed without load.
Weigh Out TimeSpecifies the time when the vehicle is weighed without load.
Vehicle Reg. No.Specifies the registration number of the vehicle that enters the weighbridge with items.
Trailer Reg. No.Specifies the registration number of the trailer attached to the vehicle that enters the weighbridge with items.
Driver NameSpecifies the name of the driver who drives in the vehicle that enters the weighbridge with items.
  1. On the action bar, select Actions > Get Weight.
    The dialog box appears.
  2. Select Inbound Scale Reading or Outbound Scale Reading and click OK.
    If the selected field has a value, the dialog box appears to confirm whether you want to inherit the value from Get Weight function or want to cancel the request.