Set up weighbridge

Article08/05/20241 min read

The Weighbridge Setup page captures the basic information required while weighing the received items.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Weighbridge Setup, and then choose the related link.
    The Weighbridge Setup page opens.
  2. On the General FastTab, in the Weighbridge Base UOM field, select a required value from the lookup table.
  3. In the Ticket Nos. field, select a required value from the lookup table.
    If you leave any of the above fields empty, an error appears.
  4. Turn on/off the Autoset Purchase Lines Qty. toggle to specify if the weighbridge ticket quantity to receive value is to be considered instead of source Quantity and Quantity Received values on the Purchase Order page.
  5. Turn on/off the Unlimited Overdelivery toggle to specify whether the quantity to receive can be more than the source quantity.
    It requires the installation of Aptean Over and Under Delivery Extension with Vendor and Item setup.

You cannot turn on the Autoset Purchase Lines Qty. and Unlimited Overdelivery toggles simultaneously.