Register inbound and outbound weight

Article01/04/20242 min read

When the Unknown Tare Receiving toggle is turned on and the items are lot tracked, you can post the Register Inbound Weight and Register Outbound Weight from the Weighbridge Ticket page.

To register the Inbound Weight, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Weighbridge Ticket page.
  2. On the Inbound/Outbound FastTab, enter a value in the Inbound Scale Reading field.
  3. On the Lines FastTab, in the Inbound Packing Tare and Inbound Packing Count fields, enter the values.
    This updates all the inbound fields on the Inbound/Outbound FastTab.
  4. On the action bar, select Actions > Create Inbound Register.
    An error appears if the Inbound Packaging Count is lesser than zero.
    When the Quantity To Receive field value is zero on the Lines FastTab, then this value is inherited by the Quantity To Receive field on the respective source document.
  5. Click Yes.
    The source document is posted, and the weighbridge status is changed to Inbound Registered.

To register the Outbound Weight, follow the below steps:


You must complete the Register Inbound Weight process before registering the outbound weight.

  1. Navigate to the Weighbridge Ticket page.
  2. On the Inbound/Outbound FastTab, in the Outbound Scale Reading, Outbound Packaging Tare and Outbound Packaging Count fields, enter the values.
    This populates the other outbound fields automatically based on the values entered in the Quantity To Receive and Split% fields.
    The Quantity To Receive is an editable field.
  3. On the action bar, select Actions > Create Outbound Register.
    It populates the Quantity to Receive value on the lines based on the value in the Quantity To Receive field on the source document.
    When the Quantity To Receive field value is zero on the Lines FastTab, this value is inherited by the Quantity To Receive field on the respective source document.
  4. Click Yes.
    The source document is posted, and the weighbridge status is changed to Outbound Registered.