Posting of weighbridge ticket

Article11/29/20233 min read

You can post an open weighbridge ticket with the Source Type as Purchase Order or Warehouse Receipt page based on the following criteria:

  1. The Status of the Weighbridge Ticket is New
  2. The Purchase Order or Warehouse Receipt has one or more lines
  3. The value of Quantity To Receive and Split% are not equal to zero
  4. The Unknown Tare Receiving toggle is turned off.

    This specifies to allow your inventory to calculate the weight of the received products regardless of whether vehicle tare is known or unknown. It benefits the business to capture the weight of all receiving goods without knowing the vehicle weight.

  1. Navigate to the desired Weighbridge Ticket.
  2. On the action bar, select Actions > Post Quantity To Receive.

    The following criteria must be satisfied before posting:

    1. The source document must be released before posting it.
    2. Inbound Scale Reading and Outbound Scale Reading fields are filled.
    3. Outbound Scale Reading must be less than Inbound Scale Reading.

The system checks for the following validations added to the above criteria:

  1. When the Source Document (Purchase Order or Warehouse Receipt) has one or multiple lines
    1. The Split% value sums to 100%, and the Quantity To Receive is equal to Calc. Quantity To Receive.
      The Quantity To Receive field on the source document page is automatically populated with the values from the Quantity To Receive field of the Lines FastTab of the Weighbridge Ticket page.
    2. The Split% is more or less than 100% and Quantity To Receive is not equal to Calc. Quantity To Receive.
      The Quantity To Receive field per line on the source document page is automatically populated with the values from the Quantity To Receive field of the Lines FastTab of the Weighbridge Ticket page.
      A message appears stating that the Quantity To Receive is not equal to Calc. Quantity To Receive.
  2. When the Source Document (Purchase Order or Warehouse Receipt) has multiple lines with one of the Quantity To Receive values equal to zero, Split% is more or less than 100% and Quantity To Receive is not equal to Calc. Quantity To Receive.

    The Quantity To Receive field per line on the source document page is automatically populated with the values from the Quantity To Receive field on the Lines FastTab of the Weighbridge Ticket page.
    A message appears stating that the Quantity To Receive line value is equal to zero.

The Source document is posted, and the Status of the Weighbridge Ticket is updated to Posted.

Weighbridge Receiving does not allow you to post more than one Weighbridge Ticket against a purchase order line.

When an item is lot tracked on the source document lines, then assigned lot number is populated on the Weighbridge Ticket page.

When the Unknown Tare Receiving toggle is turned off, the Register Inbound Weight and Register Outbound Weight fields are disabled.