Trading Unit of Measure

Article04/14/20232 min read

The trading board provides the option to initially set the Trading Unit of Measure with any of the following options such as the sales unit of measure, purchase unit of measure, or base unit of measure. The option can be set in the page opened when initially calculating the trading board and is saved in follow up search queries. When setting the value to option sales unit of measure (typical setup for sales agents), all trading board lines will have the Trading Unit of measure set to the sales unit of measure of the item. This also means that the quantity the sales agent registers to be allocated is interpreted in the sales unit of measure.

After calculating the trading board in a specific trading unit of measure, it is possible to change it afterwards. The trading unit of measure as selected will be copied to the document line on execution of any of the assign functions. This applies to all documents that can be created or updated from the trading board.

When the trading board is opened from a line level of the document, changing the Trading Unit of Measure in one entry will change the Trading Unit of Measure for all entries for the line. Changing the trading unit of measure after registering the quantity on the trading board line will result in an automatic recalculation.