Trading Board Filter page

Article12/05/20232 min read

The table below gives information about the filters available on the Trading Board Filter page.

LocationLocation Code
Customer ProfileProfile No. - Enter the code for the profile.
Lot numbers associated with the elements pertinent to the specified profile, determined by the inclusions and exclusions configured, will be filtered and presented on the Trading Board page. This field is visible only when the Aptean Profiles is installed.
External FilterExternal Filter - Select the value in this field to apply filters for growers and certification. For more information, see Filter trading board based on growers and certification.
LotGlobal lot attributes.
The global lot attribute filters are based on the advanced attribute setup.
Lot AttributeIn addition to the global lot attribute values acting as a filter on the Lot FastTab, the non global lot attribute values on the Lot Attribute FastTab can also be defined as the filter criteria.
Trading Unit of Measure1. Base Unit of Measure
2. Purchase Unit of Measure
3. Sales Unit of Measure
Filter: Item1. No.
2. Item Category Code
Filter: Lot No. Information1. Lot No.
2. Item No.
3. Source Type
4. Source No.
5. Document Table ID
6. Document Type
7. Document No.

You can have additional filters on the Trading Board Filter page based on your business requirements. All the fields available on the Item and Lot no. information records can be added as the filter criteria.