Pricing on the trading board

Article05/08/20232 min read

Pricing set up

Based on the business model of the company using the trading board, different business rules concerning different pricing methods might exist.One company might use the standard Business Central price list functionality and another company might register sales prices per sales line manually. Depending on the strategy, price registration via the trading board should or should not be possible. To support this, it is possible to define a Pricing Strategy on the Trading Board Setup page.

On the Pricing Strategy field, the Manual option means the unit price on the trading board lines is always copied to the sales lines even when empty. In the background, a price list price or a unit price exists on the item. This option also implies that the Unit Price field on the trading board is editable.

The Price calculation option means the unit price on the trading board lines is always ignored. The system will always pick up the unit price for the sales line from the sale price list, or item card or leave it blank when no price is found. This option implies that the Unit Price field on the trading board is not editable.

Working with prices on the trading board

The pricing strategy defined on the Trading Board Setup page is visible on the trading board line. When set to Manual, the Unit Price field is editable. However, it is possible to change the pricing strategy to Sales price calculation for a particular trading board line. This will empty the Unit Price field and make it non editable. On creating the sales line, the system will retrieve a sales price according to the logic of the price calculation method on the sales line.

Along the same logic, it is possible to overrule the Pricing Strategy from Price calculation to Manual on the trading board. This implies that on creation of the sales line, the price as registered on the trading board will be used (even if it is 0), which will overrule the sales price logic of the price calculation method.