Open trading board from Production order line

Article06/13/20231 min read

You can open the trading board from a production order line which enables you to add component lines to it.

To open the trading board from the production order line:

  1. Go to the required production order.

  2. Select the production order line.

  3. On the Lines FastTab, select Functions > Open and Calculate Trading Board to open the Trading Board page.
    The Trading Board Filter request page opens with the Location and Availability To fields populated based on the production order. The Location field is automatically filled with the location from the production order line and the Availability To field is automatically filled from the starting date from the production order line.


    You can change the values of the Location, and Availability To fields, and add additional filters with values on the Trading Board Filter request page. Use the assign actions to assign the trading board entries that have quantities to the line of the linked document. For more information, see Assign actions. The FactBox now displays the linked production order number and line number when you select the trading board entry.