Open and calculate trading board from the production order component line

Article06/13/20231 min read

You can open the trading board directly from the Planned, Firm planned and Released Production Order component line. The component lines will be created based on the BOM setup after refreshing the production order using the Refresh Production Order function.

To open and calculate trading board from the production order component line:

  1. Go to the required Released Production Order.

  2. On the Lines FastTab, select the required item.

  3. On the action bar, select Line > Components.

  4. Select the component line and select Actions > Functions > Open and Calculate Trading Board. Alternatively, select Ctrl+Alt+W.


    This function is not available if the remaining quantity on the component line is less than the expected quantity. Also, it’s not available when warehouse documents (warehouse pick, inventory pick) exist or when registered warehouse documents exist.
    Subsequently, you can use the Assign actions to assign the trading board entries that have quantities to the lines of the linked production order component line and add reservation entries. For more information, see Assign actions.