Open and calculate trading board from transfer order line

Article06/13/20232 min read

You can quickly access the trading board from a transfer order line to see the availability of the specific item, taking into consideration the registered global lot attributes and location as registered on the transfer line. This enables you to update the transfer order line whenever required.

To open and calculate trading board from transfer order line:

  1. Go to the required transfer order.

  2. Select the transfer order line.

  3. On the Lines FastTab, select Functions > Open and Calculate Trading Board. Alternatively, you can use Ctrl+Alt+W.
    The trading board calculates the availability of the item based on the values of the document line.


    You cannot calculate the trading board from the transfer order line when the transfer order is in Released state, when warehouse documents (warehouse pick, inventory pick) exist or when registered warehouse documents exist.

  4. On the Entries FastTab, in the Quantity field, enter the number of items you want to transfer.


    The value should not exceed the available quantity.

  5. Use the Assign actions to assign the trading board entries that have quantities to the line of the linked transfer order. For more information, see Assign actions. When multiple lot numbers are selected, all the quantities will be added on the same transfer order line.
    When you select the trading board entry, the Linked Document FactBox displays the information from the linked transfer order including the transfer order number and line number.


    If you use the Calculate function from the Trading Board page, the recently used transfer order number is kept as the linked document, but the link with the line number is lost.