Open trading board from sales order header

Article12/05/20232 min read

To open the trading board from a sales order header:

  1. Go to the required sales order.
  2. On the action bar, select Actions > Functions > Open and Calculate Trading Board.
    Alternatively, you can use Alt+W.

The Trading Board Filter request page opens with the Location, Availability To, and Profile No. fields populated based on the sales order.

  • The Location field is automatically filled from the corresponding field on the sales order header.
  • The Availability To field is automatically filled from the shipment date on the sales order header.
  • The Profile No. is automatically filled from the corresponding field on the sales order header. This field is visible only when the Aptean Profiles extension is installed.

You can change the values of the Location, Availability To, and Profile No. fields, and add additional filters with values on the Trading Board Filter request page.

Once a profile is selected on the Trading Board Filter request page, setting specific filters for global lot attributes, growers, and certificates is no longer possible, as the profile already defines the inclusions and exclusions for these elements.


For profiles, initially, the profiles associated with the customer are displayed. You can access the complete list of profiles by clearing the filter.

Subsequently, you can use the Assign actions to assign the trading board entries that have quantities to the lines of the linked sales document. For more information, see Assign actions.