Lot numbers available for trading board

Article08/22/20242 min read

When the Aptean Trading Board extension is installed after the lot numbers were already created in the system, the trading board calculation will not produce any data when run for the first time. This is because the existing lot numbers are not set to Available for trading board. To update the lot numbers the user must initiate the function Update Lot No. Information from the Trading Board Setup page.

The trading board is designed in a way that it calculates the available inventory fast and shows only those lot numbers that are still available. It doesn’t show lot numbers which are no longer available for use. For example, when a purchased and received purchase lot number is sold and shipped to a customer, the lot number is no longer calculated for or visible on the trading board. This ensures swift calculation and a better user experience since only the information that the user can work with is visible. All lot numbers that enter the system (regardless of source purchase, production, etc.) are initially flagged as “Available for trading board.” The report Calculate Lot Availability checks for all lot numbers whether they are still available for the trading board.

Whenever any of the following instances are true, the lot number is still available for trading. Else, the Available for Trading Board toggle is disabled.

  • Open item ledger entries exist for the lot number.
  • Purchase lines exist with a positive remaining quantity.
  • Sales return order lines exist with a positive remaining quantity.
  • Production order lines with a Released status exist with a positive remaining quantity.
  • Assembly order lines exist with a positive quantity.

The steps below describe the process of turning on and turning off the Available toggle for the trading board via the Calculate Lot Availability report.

  1. Select the Search icon ., enter Calculate Lot Availability and then choose the related link.
  2. Optionally, you can set the filters on all fields of the Lot No. Information table. Preferably the calculation should execute without filters, ensuring all lot numbers are recalculated.
  3. Select OK.
  4. The system enables or disables the Available for Trading Board toggle on all lot numbers within the filter set based on the availability of the lot numbers.
    As explained above, the Calculate Lot Availability report can be executed from the menu/search function. For optimum user experience, the report should be scheduled in a job queue to be calculated periodically based on a company defined recurrence.