Error handling in the trading board

Article05/08/20231 min read

An error may occur when the sales line is created from the trading board using any of the Assign functions. These errors can come from Business Central, Trading Board extension or other extensions that are associated with the Trading Board extension. A good example would be the allocation of a lot number with an inspection status unfit for sales. When trying to assign the lot number in the tracking line of a sales order manually, an error is presented to the user. Trading board users do not have visibility of the sales or tracking line while assigning but can still encounter problem/error.

To indicate that issues were encountered while assigning the trading board line to a sales line, the Error checkbox is visible on the trading board. For trading board lines that could not be converted into sales lines, the Error checkbox is selected, and the Error text field (in the Advanced view of the page) displays a brief description of the issue encountered.