Create a transfer order from the trading board

Article05/08/20232 min read

You can perform the following actions after calculating the available inventory based on the filters applied on the Trading Board Filter page. You can transfer inventory items between locations by creating transfer orders to complete your sales order.

To create a transfer order from the trading board:

  1. On the Trading Board page, on the action bar, select New Document > Transfer Order. Alternatively, select Alt+3 to create a transfer order.
  2. On the General FastTab, in the Transfer-from Code field, select the location from which the transfer order is shipped.
  3. In the Transfer-to Code field, select the location the transfer order is received on.
    • In case a transfer route is set up for the Transfer-to and Transfer-from code combination, the In-Transit and Shipping agent codes default from the Transfer route specification page.
    • On the Transfer from FastTab, the Shipment Date field is filled with the current working date.
    • On the Receipt Date FastTab, the Receipt Date field is filled with the current working date. In case a transfer route is setup for the combination of Transfer-to and Transfer-from code, and the shipping agent the Shipping agent service code has a default shipping time setup, this date formula is used to calculate the receipt date based on the shipping date.
  4. Select OK.
    The transfer order is created from the trading board as a Linked document and the FactBox is updated.