Create documents from the trading board

Article06/13/20232 min read

Besides giving insights into the availability of inventory, the trading board also supports initiating commercial and logistical transactions. It is possible to create and updatedocuments from the trading board page directly.

Create a sales order from the trading board

You can perform the following actions after calculating the available inventory based on the filters applied on the Trading Board Filter page.

  1. On the Trading Board page, on the action bar, select New Document > Sales Order.
    Alternatively, click Alt+1 to create a sales order.

  2. In the Sell-to Customer No. field, select the customer number.


    Other fields on the Sales Order page such as Sell-to Customer Name, Salesperson Code, Bill-to Customer No, Bill-to Customer Name, Ship-to Code, Ship-to Name, Shipping Agent Code, and Shipment Method Code are now filled with standard information from the customer card.

  3. In the Requested Delivery Date field, select the date on which the customer has asked for the order to be delivered.

  4. In the Shipment Date field, select the date on which the items on the document will be shipped.

  5. Select OK.
    The sales order is created for the customer and attached as a linked document on the trading board.

The FactBox Linked Document displays the following information:

DocumentSpecifies the document number of the linked sales order header.
Sell-to Customer No.Specifies the customer number on the linked sales order header.
Sell-to Customer NameSpecifies the customer’s name on the linked sales order header.
Location CodeSpecifies the location of the linked sales order header.
Currency CodeSpecifies the currency code of the linked sales order header.
Posting DateSpecifies the posting date of the linked sales order header.
Order DateSpecifies the order date of the linked sales order header.
Shipment DateSpecifies the shipment date of the linked sales order header.
StatusSpecifies the status of the linked sales order header.
Warehouse ActivitiesSpecifies if transport order lines exist for the sales order.
Transport ActivitiesSpecifies if warehouse activity lines exist for the sales order.

These fields are displayed in the FactBox only when values exist for it.