Calculate available inventory

Article09/01/20241 min read
  1. Select the Search icon , enter Trading Board, and choose the related link.
    The Trading Board page opens.

  2. On the action bar, click Process > Calculate.Alternatively, click Alt+C to open the Trading Board Filter* page.


    By default, the Trading Board Filter page opens with the recently used options and filters set from the report ID.
    You can select multiple filters based on which the available inventory is shown. The Location is a mandatory filter. This implies that the trading board will always show the availability of lot numbers on a specific location.

  3. Select OK.


    You can set filters in combination with the other fields on the request page, including the item, lot number information, and global and non-global lot attributes before executing the Calculatefunction on the Trading Board.
    The results are displayed in Simple View.

  4. Select Advanced View on the action bar to see more details.