Assign actions

Article05/08/20231 min read

The following Assign actions are available on the Trading Board page.

AssignAssigns the trading board entries that have quantities to the lines of the linked (sales) document and leaves it open. Alternatively, you can use Alt+A.
Assign & ReleaseAssigns the trading board entries that have quantities to the lines of the linked sales document and releases it. Alternatively, you can use Alt+R.
Assign & CloseAssigns the trading board entries that have quantities to the lines of the linked sales document, leaves it open, and closes the trading board. Alternatively, you can use Ctrl+Alt+A.
Assign, Release & CloseAssigns the trading board entries that have quantities to the lines of the linked sales document, releases it, and closes the trading board. Alternatively, you can use Ctrl+Alt+R.
  • The actions Assign, Assign & Release, Assign & Close, Assign, Release & Close are available only after selecting a linked document in the trading board.
  • You cannot assign the items that are blocked.
  • When you assign the trading board entries to the lines of the sales document, the quantities available for the lot are reduced.