Additional information stored on lot level

Article05/08/20231 min read

The trading board requires swift calculation and visibility of various lot number characteristics. As a result, some fields were added to the lot level. Hence, the user has more information while working with the trading board.

Lot attribute values on lot level

In purchase and sales return order documents, all the global lot attribute value ID’s are copied from the document line to the Lot No. Information table. These values were already available to the user via the Aptean Advanced Attributes extension but were stored in a different table. To ensure the performance of the trading board, the lot attribute values are now stored directly on the lot level.

Vendor Information on lot level

On assigning a lot number in a purchase order/quote/invoice, the value in the Vendor No. field is copied from the purchase document to the Source No. field on the Lot No. Information table. Upon creating a sub lot from the original lot, the Source No. is copied from the original lot to the Lot No. Information table.

Similarly, the purchase order number is copied from the purchase document to the Source Document No. field on the Lot No. Information table.