Transport route code setup

Article12/27/20233 min read

Transport routes can be set up via the Transport Routes page.

You can view/edit a transport route or create a new transport route.

Once the user creates/opens a transport route, they can perform the following:

  • State the dates between which the route version applies
  • Select the days of the week when the route version applies
  • Block the transport route for use

You can create as many route versions as required.


This setup helps define the logistical time for a specific route version, weekday, and shipping agent combination in Aptean Shop Floor Logistics extension.

You can also assign a Shipping Agent to a Route Version for a specific shipment day, from the Transport Route Details page. Multiple route versions are allowed for an overlapping time period if the weekdays are different. For example, a special route version can be created for a festival season with weekdays that don’t coincide with the other existing route version.


Only one version apart from the default version can exist for the same Source No., Address Code, Location Code, and Route Code combination.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Transport Routes, and then choose the relevant link.
  2. Select the desired code to open the Transport Route card.
  3. On the action bar, select Transport Route Details.
    The Transport Route Details page opens.
  4. Fill in the fields as follows:
Version CodeSelect the required version code for which you want to configure transport route details.
Shipment DaySelect the specific day for applying the configured transport route details when the transport route is assigned.
Shipping Agent CodeSelect the code of the shipping agent that you want to assign to the selected version of the transport route.
Logistical TimeEnter the logistical time for the selected version of the transport route.
Driver No.Select the number of the driver whom you want to assign to the selected version of the transport route.
Truck CodeSelect the code of the truck that you want to assign to the selected version of the transport route.
Trailer CodeSelect the code of the trailer that you want to assign to the selected version of the transport route.
Loading SequenceEnter the number of the loading sequence which helps you to sort and prioritize the transport order.

You can view the Driver Details FactBox, which provides insights into key aspects of the driver, on the Transport Route Details page. For more information, see Driver Details FactBox.

You can assign a route to customer for a specific period of time in the Transport Route Assignment page. There is the possibility to filter the page by Transport Route, Transport Route Version, Shipment Day, and Source No.

There is also the possibility to change the order of the Stop Sequence Nos., for a Shipment Day.


In the Shop Floor Logistics extension, on the Shop Floor Activities page, you can search or filter the page based on the Transport Route Code. This field is only shown when the Transport application is installed in the system. The Transport Route Code values are inherited in this page from the source documents such as sales orders.


The Logistical Time is shown in the Shop Floor Activities page for each warehouse request. If the Shipping Agent, Transport Route Code, Shipment Date, and Active Version on the sales order matches with the corresponding fields on the Transport Route Details page, the logistical time is inherited from the Transport Route Details page. Otherwise, the logistical time is inherited from either the Customer or the Ship-to Address page.