Transport route assignments

Article06/24/20246 min read

The Transport Route Assignments page allows you to create route assignments for specific customers, vendors, and locations. These assignments automatically assign transport routes and update stop sequence numbers to the following documents:

  • Purchase orders
  • Purchase return orders
  • Sales orders
  • Sales return orders
  • Transfer orders

These details are also available in the following posted documents:

  • Posted purchase receipts
  • Posted purchase return shipments
  • Posted return receipts
  • Posted sales credit memos
  • Posted sales invoices
  • Posted sales shipments
  • Posted transfer shipments

The transport route code is also available on the relevant Warehouse Shipment and Warehouse Receipt pages. Also, the Trailer Reference Number, Seal Number, Trailer Code, Truck Code, and Truck Reference Number fields are available on the Warehouse Shipment and Posted Warehouse Shipment pages. To know about these fields, see Transport order.

This functionality activates whenever the relevant customers, vendors, or locations are involved in the documents and when the shipment/receipt dates align with the specified timeframes and the selected days of the week.


It is not possible to have two transport route assignments with the same customer, ship-to address, and location for the same weekday, unless one is a default version and the other is non-default.

To create or filter transport route assignments, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Transport Route Assignments page.
  2. On the action bar, select New to create a new transport route assignment line.
  3. In the Source Type field, select the relevant source type.
    • Customer – For sales and sales return orders.
    • Vendor – For purchase and purchase return orders.
    • Location – For transfer orders.
  4. In the Source No. field, select the number or code that identifies the customer, vendor, or location. This value corresponds to the value selected in the Source Type field.
    For Location source type, this value is considered as the Transfer-from location of the transfer order.
  5. In the Location Code field, select the relevant code of the location.
    For location source type, this value is considered as the Transfer-to location of the transfer order.

This field must have a value for the location source type.

  1. Fill in the necessary information such as address code, route code, and route version, in the respective fields.

The Address Code field displays the ship-to address for customer source types and the order address list for vendor source types. This field remains empty for location source types.

  1. In the Starting Date and Ending Date fields, enter the dates for the effective period of the transport route assignment.

The selected dates should fall within the starting and ending dates of the transport route version.

  1. In the day fields, select the specific days of the week during which the transport route assignment should be effective.

You can only select days that are configured for the route version on the Transport Route page.

  1. On the action bar, select Edit Stop Sequence to set stop sequence numbers based on the shipment/receipt day. For more information, see Stop sequence.
    A new transport route assignment is successfully created and configured.
  2. On the Filters FastTab, fill in the fields as follows to filter the existing transport route assignments.
Transport Route CodeSelect the transport route code for filtering the transport route assignments.
Transport Route VersionSelect the relevant transport route structure for the selected transport route code. This field is editable only when the Transport Route Code field has a value.
Source TypeSelect the source type for filtering.
Customer: Filters the transport route assignments that are applicable for sales orders and sales return orders.
Vendor: Filters the transport route assignments that are applicable for purchase orders and purchase return orders.
Location: Filters the transport route assignments that are applicable for transfer orders.
Blank: Filters the transport route assignments that are applicable for all the above-mentioned orders.
Source No.Select the source number such as customer number, vendor number, or transfer from location based on which you want to filter the transport route assignments. This value corresponds to the value selected in the Source Type field.
For location source type, this value is considered as the Transfer-from location of the transfer order.
Shipment DaySelect a specific day of the week for filtering. This value is considered as the day of shipment for outbound documents (such as sales, transfer, and purchase return orders) or the day of receipt for inbound documents (such as purchase and sales return orders).

The transport route assignments are filtered and displayed based on the filters applied.

You can open the Transport Route Assignments page from any one of these pages:

  • Transport Route
  • Customer
  • Ship-to Address

To open transport route assignments card

You can open the Transport Route Assignments card using the following steps.

  • From the Transport Route card
    1. Select the Search icon , enter Transport Routes and then choose the related link.
      The Transport Routes list page opens.
    2. On the action bar, click Transport Route Assignments.
  • From the Customer
    1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers, and then choose the related link.
    2. Select and click the required No. to open the Customer card page.
    3. Select Related > Customer > Transport Route Assignments.
  • From the Ship-to Address
    1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers, and choose the related link.
    2. Select and click the required No. to open the Customer card page.
    3. Select Related > Customer > Other > Ship-to Addresses.
    4. On the Ship to Address List, on the action bar, select Related > Transport Route Assignments.


Next Available Receipt Date FactBox

The Next Available Receipt Date FactBox provides details about the next alternative day and date for receipt, and the transport route that can be assigned to the receipt based on the active route assignments. You can view this FactBox on the purchase, and sales return orders.

In documents such as purchase and sales return orders, the system automatically assigns the transport route code, and stop sequence number based on the active route assignments applicable for the vendor or customer and the expected receipt date specified on the header. Furthermore, utilizing this data, the system computes the next available expected receipt date, along with the corresponding day, and transport route code, which is then presented in this FactBox.

The Next Available Receipt Date FactBox displays the following information:

Expected Receipt DaySpecifies the next alternative day available for scheduling the receipt based on the active route assignments.
Expected Receipt DateSpecifies the next alternative date available for scheduling the receipt based on the active route assignments.
Transport Route CodeSpecifies the alternative transport route available for scheduling the receipt based on the active route assignments.

Next Available Shipment Date FactBox

The Next Available Shipment Date FactBox provides details about the next alternative day and date for shipment, and the transport route that can be assigned to the shipment based on the active route assignments. You can view this FactBox on the sales, transfer, and purchase return orders.

In documents such as sales, purchase return, and transfer orders, the system automatically assigns the transport route code, and stop sequence number based on the active route assignments applicable for the customer, vendor, or location, and the shipment date specified on the header. Furthermore, utilizing this data, the system computes the next available shipment date, along with the corresponding day, and transport route code, which is then presented in this FactBox.

The Next Available Shipment Date FactBox displays the following information:

Shipment DaySpecifies the next alternative day available for scheduling the shipment based on the active route assignments.
Shipment DateSpecifies the next alternative date available for scheduling the shipment based on the active route assignments.
Transport Route CodeSpecifies the alternative transport route available for scheduling the shipment based on the active route assignments.