Transport request

Article07/18/20238 min read

The Transport Planning screen shows a list of the Transport Requests. Transport Requests are automatically created after releasing an order, provided that the shipment method linked to that order was set up to require transport. Transport Requests are created per order line but are merged together when they contain the same Location, Shipment Date and Trip No.(if this feature is enabled) (and originate from the same order).

So, the following fields form a key in the process of creating Transport Requests:

  • Document Type
  • Document No.
  • Location
  • Shipment Date
  • Trip No.

When you change an Order and re-release it, new transport requests are created. When creating a Transport Request, the system checks if a Transport Request with the same key already exists. If not, the status ‘New’ is assigned to the request. If a Transport Request with the same key already exists, the system has three possible options to execute.

  1. If the status of the existing Transport Request is New, implying that the planner has not yet planned it or put it In Progress, the existing Transport Request is deleted and a new request is made with the new order information.
  2. If the status of the existing Transport Request is something other than New, the existing Transport Order is updated, and the Changed field is set to true. In case the order line with the same key was deleted or does not exist anymore, the Deleted field is set to true. This way, the planner is alerted that something changed in the order that might influence the planning that he has already made.
  3. If the status is Planned and the Posted Transport Line is filled, implying that the transport has already been processed, then nothing changes in the Transport Request.

The necessary transport floor space will be calculated after creating the transport request. When creating an outbound transport request, first the system checks if there is a Required Transport Floor Space Type set up for the customer-item combination. If no combination is found, the system checks whether a Transport Floor Space Type has been set up for the item. If neither are set up, you are able to continue, but an error message will be shown on the request line after creating the transport request. When creating an inbound request, the Transport Floor Space Type set up for the item is chosen. And again, when no Floor Space Type setup is found for the item, an error message is shown on the line after creating the request.

Change status of transport request(s)

If a transport request is newly created, it will be given the status ‘New’. If there is a change in the source document, the transport request is replaced by a new transport request.

If you don’t want to replace the Transport Request because you have already made some changes (e.g., adjusting the planned quantity of the transport floor spaces), it is possible to adjust the status to ‘In Progress’. From that moment on, the Transport Request will not be deleted when the order changes, but it will be marked as ‘Changed’ or ‘Deleted’. Also, a log file with changes will be created so you can see what was changed.

It is also possible to set the status to ‘Skipped’. This status can be used if no action needs to be taken for this transport request i.e.: no transport order needs to be created for the request.

  1. Open the transport request(s) from an order. Select the Transport Request(s) whose status needs to be changed.
  2. Select Change Status.
  3. Select the desired status.
    Only the statuses that were not part of the selection are shown. For example, if you have selected transport requests with the status ‘New’ and ‘Skipped’, only the status ‘In Progress’ can be chosen.
  4. Select OK.
    The status of the Transport Request is now changed.

After changing the status from New to In Progress, the quantities in the planned Transport Floor Space fields are not automatically updated. The user may only change the planned transport floor space fields manually.

Create a transport request

A transport request can be created by releasing the following documents:

  • Purchase Order
  • Sales Order
  • Purchase Return Order
  • Sales Return Order
  • Transfer Order

The process of creating a transport request is the same for all document types. In the description below, an example is given of creating a transport request from a purchase order.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Purchase Orders, and then choose the related link.
  2. Open a Purchase Order or select New.
  3. On the General FastTab, enter the Vendor Name.
  4. On the Lines FastTab, enter the No. and Quantity.
  5. In the Trip No. field, enter the code.
    The Trip No. field allows 3 alphanumerical characters and is made available only on the lines by personalization. This field is editable on the order line only if the status is open.
    Separate Transport Requests will be created for each trip number. When the trip numbers are updated on the existing sales order lines, the Transport Requests are modified accordingly. This is inherited to the Transport Planning page on the release of the Order.
  6. On the Invoice Details FastTab, select a Shipment Method Code for which the setting Require Inbound/Outbound Transport Order is set to True. See Require Inbound/Outbound transport for more information about the shipment method.

    The Transport Requests are not created on the release of Purchase Credit Memo or Sales Credit Memo irrespective of the Shipment Methods (Inbound/Outbound).

  7. On the Shipping and Billing FastTab, enter the Shipping Time.
    The shipping time specifies how long it takes from when the items are shipped from the vendor to when they are delivered in the warehouse. If this field is empty, the planned receipt date is used for the shipping date.
    Steps 8 and 9 are not valid on the Purchase Order, Purchase Return Order or Transfer Order.
  8. Enter the Transport Route Code. This field will be calculated based on the existing transport route assignments and automatically filled but can be changed by the user.
  9. Enter the Stop Sequence No. If the transport route assignment already exists for the selected route and customer, this will be automatically filled.
  10. On the action bar, select Release > Release.
    After releasing, the transport requests are created.
  11. Select More Options > Related > Order > Transport Requests.
    The Transport Request(s) linked to the order are shown.

Add instructions to a transport request

It is possible to add an instruction to a Transport Request. This instruction can be opened on the Transport Planning page and the Transport Order Line. It can also be printed on the transport order report.

  1. Open the transport request from an order.
  2. Select Instructions.
  3. Enter an Instruction.

An Instruction is now set up for this Transport Request.

View change log entries

All changes in an order that have consequences for the transport request(s) are logged by the system. These log entries are only created when a Transport Request has a status other than New and when it concerns changes that could have an impact on the transport planning.

If one of the following key fields in the order is changed, this is not considered a change in a Transport Request but considered as a new Transport Request.

  • Document No.
  • Document Type
  • Location (on order line)
  • Shipment Date
  • Trip No.
    In this case the Deleted checkbox on the Transport Request is selected and a new request is created.
    If changes in one of the following fields take place in the order, then the field Changed in the Transport Request is set to true:
  • Quantity or Unit of Measure in the order line
  • Item in the order line (when another Floor Space Type is set up for the item)
  • Ship-to address in the header. If a change is made when the ship to address is a custom address, every change in the individual ship-to address lines is directly shown as a change. It’s not necessary to release the order.
  • Shipment Method in the header. When for the new shipment method, no required transport is set up, the transport request is marked as deleted.
  • Transport Route Code in the header
  • Stop Sequence No. in the header

The log entries page contains details that include information about the field that was changed, the old and new value, the date and the time, the user and the date when the change was accepted.

  1. Open the transport request(s) from an order.
  2. Select a Transport Request.
  3. Select View Change Log Entries.

The change log entries for the Transport Request are shown.

Source document info

You can view all the source line information of the selected Transport Request from Source Document Info page.

On the action bar, select Related > Source Document Info.
The Transport Request Source Document Info page opens.

You can filter and view the information of the transport request by Document No., Document Type, Location Code, Trip No. and Shipment Date.