Transport planning

Article05/14/202411 min read

On the Transport Planning page, the planner can view, plan and manage the transport activities. The Transport Planning page gives insight into the Transport Requests along with the relevant information.

It is possible to change or adjust the transport requests, for instance adjusting the planned quantity of transport floor spaces. Furthermore, the planner can view the instructions linked to the transport requests and he can also, per request, view and accept changes that were made to its source document. Finally, it’s possible to select one or more transport requests and create transport orders for them.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Transport Planning, and then choose the related link.
    The Transport Planning list page opens.
  2. Select the required Transport Planning from the list.

All Transport Requests are shown on the Transport Planning page.

The following functions that can be executed on the Transport Planning page are also available on the Transport Requests page via the order and are already explained in the Transport Requests.

  • Change status
  • Add instructions
  • View Change Log Entries


Ship-to Address FactBox

The Ship-to Address FactBox provides detailed insights into the shipping address of the transport request. The displayed information varies based on the type of order:

  • Sales Orders - Details of the shipping address of the relevant sales order are displayed.
  • Sales Return Orders - Details of the warehouse location of the inventory are displayed.
  • Purchase Orders – Details of the warehouse location selected as the ship-to location are displayed.
  • Purchase Return Orders - Details of the address of the relevant vendor are displayed.
  • Transfer Orders - Details of the warehouse location selected as transfer-to location.

If the warehouse location is not specified on the document, the system will consider the location specified in the Location Code field on the Company Information page.

The Ship-to Address FactBox displays the following information:

Ship-to No.Specifies the code that identifies the shipping address. This field is visible only when personalized.
Ship-to NameSpecifies the name of the relevant customer, vendor, or location associated with the documents.
Ship-to AddressSpecifies the primary address of the shipping address.
Ship-to Address 2Specifies the address 2 of the shipping address. This field is visible only when personalized.
Ship-to Post CodeSpecifies the postal code of the shipping address.
Ship-to CitySpecifies the city name of the shipping address.
Ship-to StateSpecifies the state name of the shipping address. This field is visible only when personalized.
Ship-to CountrySpecifies the country name of the shipping address.

Pick-up Address FactBox

The Pick-up Address FactBox provides detailed insights into the picking-up address of the transport request. The displayed information varies based on the type of order:

  • Sales Orders and Sales Return Orders - Details of the warehouse location of the inventory are displayed.
  • Purchase Orders and Purchase Return Orders – Details of the address of the relevant vendor are displayed.
  • Transfer Orders - Details of the warehouse location selected as transfer-from location.

If the warehouse location is not specified on the document, the system will consider the location specified in the Location Code field on the Company Information page.

The Pick-up Address FactBox displays the following information:

Pick-up NameSpecifies the name of the relevant vendor, or location associated with the documents.
Pick-up AddressSpecifies the primary address of the picking up address.
Pick-up Address 2Specifies the address 2 of the picking up address. This field is visible only when personalized.
Pick-up Post CodeSpecifies the postal code of the picking-up address.
Pick-up CitySpecifies the city name of the picking-up address.
Pick-up StateSpecifies the state name of the picking-up address. This field is visible only when personalized.
Pick-up CountrySpecifies the country name of the picking-up address.

Estimated totals for selected lines

On the Transport Planning page, it is possible to see what the total estimated transport floor space is (per Floor Space Type) for the selected transport requests.

  1. Select the context menu of the required record.
  2. Choose Select More.
  3. Select any number of Transport Request(s).

The total estimated weight, volume, and floor space are shown for all selected Transport requests. This information will help the planner to estimate and organize which Transport Requests should be assigned to a specific Transport Order.

The values that are set as floor space types on the Transport Setup page are presented here as fields.

Edit transport line

It is possible to change data of a Transport Request, (possibly) overwriting data from the source document. Also, when helpful in preparing the Transport order, new data can be added to the request.

  1. On the action bar, select the Edit List.
    Only Transport Request with the status ‘In progress’ or ‘Planned’ can be edited. For more information on changing statuses, see Change status of Transport Request(s).
  2. Enter the required Shipment Time of the goods in the transport request.
  3. Enter or change the Ship-to Name.
  4. Enter or change the Ship-to City.
  5. Select or change the Ship-to Country/Region Code.
    The other Ship-to Address fields can be added to the line with the Personalize function. However, it is possible to change the ship-to address in the transport request directly, this address will be overwritten when a user changes the ship-to address in the source document.
  6. Enter or change the quantity that needs to be planned for each floor space type in the transport request.
  7. Enter the required transport Temperature of the goods in the transport request.
  8. Select or change the Delivery Date.
  9. Enter or change the Delivery Time.
  10. Enter the Stop Sequence No. of the transport request. The stop sequence defines the sequence of (un) loading the truck.

Split transport request function

The Split Transport Request function is used to remove a specific line from the Transport Request that was created from multiple lines. This page contains the information such as Trip No., Calculated and Planned Transport Floor Space, Calculated Weight, and Calculated Volume.

  1. On the Transport Planning list page, select the required record.
  2. On the action bar, select Split Transport Request.
    The Split Transport Request page opens only if:
    i) One Transport Request is selected.
    ii) The Status of the selected Transport Request is In Progress or New.

You can also view the Estimated Totals section with Original Calculated, Original to Plan, New Calculated and New to Plan values.

Original CalculatedShows the total Weight, Volume, and Floor Space Type of the Transport Request lines for which the New Trip No. is not assigned.
Original to PlanShows the required Floor Space Type of the Transport Request enabling the Transport Planner to plan for the transport. This provides the actual number of transport units required to transport the items based on the Floor Space Type values in the Original Calculated section.
New CalculatedShows the new Weight, Volume, and Floor Space Type of the Transport Request lines to which a New Trip No. is assigned.
New to PlanShows the required Floor Space Type value of the Transport Request line after a New Trip No. is assigned to it. This provides the actual number of transport units required to transport the items based on the Floor Space Type values in the New Calculated section.

Create new trip function

You can modify the Trip No. of the order line from which the Transport Request is generated similarly as in order page. When you enter an existing Trip No. to an order line with all the other keys as same, then the line will merge into the existing Transport Request, otherwise it will create a new Transport Request.
When you create a Transport Request with multiple lines, you can remove any required line from the Transport Request by changing the Trip No. value.

  1. On the Split Transport Request page, select the context menu of the required record.
  2. In the New Trip No. field, enter the desired code.
    If the existing Trip No. is used, it will combine with the same record if all the other field values match.
    If a new Trip No. is used, a new line will be created.
    The Floor Space Type, Weight, and Volume values in the Estimated Totals section are updated according to the values assigned in the New Trip No. field.
  3. On the action bar, select Create New Trip.
  4. Click Ok to the confirmation message. The Transport Request is created as per the new trip no.

Accept function

When the planner has reviewed transport requests that were marked as ‘Changed’ or ‘Deleted’, he/she can accept the changes with the ‘Accept’ function. This function accepts the selected lines that are marked as Changed and deletes the lines that are marked as Deleted. The field ‘Date and Time Accepted’ in the Transport Request Change Log entries will be registered.

  1. Select the context menu of the required record.
  2. Choose Select More.
  3. Select any number of Transport Request(s) for which the checkbox ‘Deleted’ or ‘Changed’ is enabled.
  4. On the action bar, select Accept. The checkbox ‘Changed’ is disabled. Transport requests with the checkbox ‘Deleted’ enabled are deleted by the Accept function.
  5. Select View Change Log Entries.

By default, a filter is set with an empty ‘Date and time accepted’ field. Clear the filter to see the date and time accepted.

The ‘Date and Time Accepted’ field is now registered.

Create transport order

After the planner has adjusted the transport order line as desired, it is possible to turn it into a transport order. The planner can combine multiple transport order lines into a transport order, based on for example the date/location/number of pallets.

It is possible to filter and add all transport planning lines with the same Transport Route Code into one transport order.

You can also create a transport order, filtering the lines with Transport Route Code, Location Code, and Shipment Date. With the Consolidate per Route toggle turned on, for each route, a user can create one consolidated transport order. When this toggle is turned off, separate transport order documents are created for each source document.

Warehouse shipment(s) can also be created at the same time, from this page, when Create Warehouse Shipment toggle is turned on.

  1. Select the context menu of the required record.
  2. Choose Select More.
  3. Select any number of Transport Request(s).
  4. On the action bar, select Create Transport Order.
  5. Select Use Report Filters on Source Lines field to disregard the selected lines and consider only the filters.
  6. Select the Shipping Agent.

    You can select any Shipping Agent regardless of its association with a vendor. It is possible to create a Transport Order with the Shipping Agent that is not configured with the vendor.

  7. Select the Transport Route Code.
  8. Select the Transport Date. Double select any date in the calendar to select the Transport Date.

    When the system identifies the applicable transport route based on the selected shipping agent and transport date, it automatically inherits certain transport route details, such as driver information, truck and trailer details, and loading sequence number, to the transport order that will be created. For this to occur, the selected transport date must fall within the specified starting and ending dates of the relevant transport route structure, which is also associated with the selected shipping agent code.

  9. Turn on the Consolidate per Route toggle to create one transport order per route.
  10. Turn on the Add to existing transport orders toggle to assign the transport request to the existing transport order. The system assigns the transport request only when the selected Transport Date and Route Code match the values specified on the existing transport order. This functionality works only if the Fixed toggle is turned off on the existing transport order to which the transport request is intended to be added.

    This toggle is editable only when the Consolidate per Route toggle is turned on.

To manually assign the transport request to an existing transport order, see Add to Transport Order.

  1. Turn on the Create Warehouse Shipment(s) toggle to create warehouse shipment(s) at the same time.
  2. Turn on the Include Sales Return Orders and Include Purchase Return Orders toggles to add the transport requests from sales and purchase return orders to the newly created transport order. If these toggles are turned off, even if the transport requests from sales and purchase return orders are selected while executing the Create Transport Order action, they will not be included in the newly created transport order.
  3. Under General Filters, enter the following:
    • Location Code
    • Shipment Date
    • Route Code
  4. If Create Warehouse Shipment(s) toggle is turned on, under Warehouse Shipment Options enter the following extra information:
    • Consolidate per Route
    • Location Code
    • Sorting Method
    • Assign Shipment Date
  5. Select OK.

A transport order is now created containing the selected transport requests.

Add to Transport Order

You can manually assign transport requests to an existing transport order only if the Fixed toggle is turned off on the existing transport order to which the transport request is intended to be added.

To manually assign transport requests, follow these steps:

  1. On the Transport Planning page, select the transport request that you want to assign.

Transport requests with the status as New, In Progress, or Changed should be selected.

  1. On the action bar, select Add to Transport Order.
    The Add to Transport Order page opens.

  2. In the Transport Order No. field, select the dropdown to view the list of transport orders.
    Only transport orders that have the Fixed toggle turned off will be filtered and displayed in the list.

  3. Select the relevant transport order.


If the transport request has a different route code than the selected transport order, the Route Code field in the transport order becomes blank after this process, turning on the Multiple Routes toggle.

  1. Select OK.

Create warehouse shipment

The Create Warehouse Shipment report allows you to create warehouse shipment documents based on the transport routes i.e., the location code, route code, and shipment date.

With the Consolidate per Route toggle turned on, for each route, you can create one consolidated warehouse shipment document. When this toggle is turned off, separate warehouse shipment documents are created for each source document.