Transport order

Article06/26/202417 min read

A transport order specifies all information that is necessary for the shipping agent. It primarily specifies the exact address, delivery date, and load type.

Add information in transport order header

A couple of information fields can be entered manually in the transport order header, such as transport costs, the actual temperature of the truck, and its license plate.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Transport Orders, and then choose the related link.
    The Transport Orders list page opens.
  2. Select the preferred No.
    The Transport Order card page opens.
  3. On the General FastTab, enter the relevant information in the following fields:
No.Specifies the order number of the transport order.
Shipping AgentSpecifies the shipping agent of the transport order.
Route CodeSpecifies the transport route on which the goods in the transport order are planned to be delivered.
Transport DateSpecifies the transport date of the transport order.
Transport Cost AmountSpecifies the total cost amount of the transport order. This field specifies the total cost amount of the transport order. The Transport Costs are used when creating a purchase invoice for the shipping agent.
Currency CodeSpecifies the currency code of the transport order. If the currency code does not deviate from the standard currency code, this field can remain empty.
Required TemperatureSpecifies the lowest temperature of the linked Transport Requests.
TemperatureSpecifies the actual temperature. This temperature specifies the actual temperature of the transport. The actual temperature can be checked against the required temperature that is also shown in the header. The required temperature is based on the lowest temperature that is entered within the transport lines.
Changed Line existsSpecifies if linked transport requests are changed after the transport order is created.
Deleted Line existsSpecifies if linked transport requests are deleted after the transport order is created.
Multiple RoutesSpecifies whether there is more than one transport route specified for the transport requests in the transport order.
FixedSpecifies whether the addition of new transport requests is restricted for the transport order.
Planned Floor Space 1Specifies the sum of the planned transport floor space type 1 from the linked transport requests.
Planned Floor Space 2Specifies the sum of the planned transport floor space type 2 from the linked transport requests.
Planned Floor Space 3Specifies the sum of the planned transport floor space type 3 from the linked transport requests.
Planned Floor Space 4Specifies the sum of the planned transport floor space type 4 from the linked transport requests.
Planned Floor Space 5Specifies the sum of the planned transport floor space type 5 from the linked transport requests.
Transport Cost CalculationSpecifies the method that transport costs are defined for the transport order.
Manual : the user defines the total cost amount and the trade plans.
Trade Plan: specifies the costs and the trade plans are calculated by the system automatically.
None: specifies that there will be no cost calculation done for the defined transport order.
Cost Amount Internal LCYSpecifies the total transport cost in the company’s local currency (LCY). This amount represents the internal cost incurred by the company for transporting goods.
Trade Plan: the cost is calculated by the system.
Manual: the cost is defined by the user.
If the calculation is based on the trade plan, the system calculates the cost. If the user changes the value, the transport cost updates to manual, and the trade plans are cleared.
Transport Rate TypeSpecifies the type of rate applied to the transport order. This can refer to different rate structures such as flat rates, variable rates based on distance or weight, floor space or contractual rates agreed upon with transport service providers. This field value is inherited from the associated trade plan.The Multiple option indicates there are multiple trade plans in the cost lines.
Transport Cost AllocationSpecifies the method used to distribute the total cost across the lines.
Floor space: Indicates the system will allocate based on the number of floor spaces for each line.
Manual: Indicates the total cost will be allocated by the user.
Multiple: Indicates there are multiple trade plans in the cost lines.
This field value is inherited from the associated trade plan page.
  • To link a trade plan with a transport order, you must turn on the Use in Transport Order toggle on the Accurals FastTab of the Trade Plan Card page.
  • When you change the Transport Order Cost Amount Internal field on the Transport Order page, the system sets the Transport Cost Calculation field to Manual.
  • The Transport Cost Allocation field is not editable when Transport Cost Calculation is set to Trade Plan. These fields become editable when you change Transport Cost Calculation to Manual.
  1. On the Shipping FastTab, enter the relevant information in the following fields:
Driver No.Specifies the number of the driver, that is inherited from the transport route details of the selected route code, assigned for the transportation. You can modify this value even after it is inherited.
Driver NameSpecifies the name of the selected driver, which automatically populates when selecting a value in the Driver No. field.
Driver Phone No.Specifies the contact number of the selected driver, which automatically populates when selecting a value in the Driver No. field.
Truck CodeSpecifies the code of the vehicle, that is inherited from the transport route details of the selected route code, assigned as a truck for transportation. You can modify this value even after it is inherited. You can select only vehicles that are categorized as Cab, Van, Straight Truck, and Car in terms of their specified type.
Truck Reference NumberSpecifies the reference number of the truck, that is inherited from the relevant Vehicle Card page, and used as an additional identifier for tracking the truck. You can modify this value even after it is inherited.
Trailer CodeSpecifies the code of the vehicle, that is inherited from the transport route details of the selected route code, assigned as a trailer 1 for transportation. You can modify this value even after it is inherited. You can select only vehicles that are categorized as Trailer, Chassis, and Container in terms of their specified type.
Trailer Reference NumberSpecifies the reference number of the trailer, that is inherited from the relevant Vehicle Card page, and used as an additional identifier for tracking the trailer. You can modify this value even after it is inherited.
Trailer Code 2Select the code of the vehicle that you want to assign as a trailer 2 for transportation. This field is visible only when personalized. You can select only vehicles that are categorized as Trailer, Chassis, and Container in terms of their specified type.
Trailer Reference Number 2Specifies the reference number of the trailer 2, that is inherited from the relevant Vehicle Card page, and used as an additional identifier for tracking the trailer. You can modify this value even after it is inherited. This field is visible only when personalized.
Trailer Code 3Select the code of the vehicle that you want to assign as a trailer 3 for transportation. This field is visible only when personalized. You can select only vehicles that are categorized as Trailer, Chassis, and Container in terms of their specified type.
Trailer Reference Number 3Specifies the reference number of the trailer 3, that is inherited from the relevant Vehicle Card page, and used as an additional identifier for tracking the trailer. You can modify this value even after it is inherited. This field is visible only when personalized.
License PlateEnter the number of the license plate that you want to assign for the selected truck.
Trailer License PlateEnter the number of the license plate that you want to assign for the selected trailer 1.
Trailer License Plate 2Enter the number of the license plate that you want to assign for the selected trailer 2. This field is visible only when personalized.
Trailer License Plate 3Enter the number of the license plate that you want to assign for the selected trailer 3. This field is visible only when personalized.
Van NumberEnter the identification number that you want to display on the exterior surface of the van associated with the transport order. This number serves as a visual reference for easy identification and tracking during transportation.
Container NumberEnter the identification number that you want to display on the exterior surface of the container associated with the transport order. This number serves as a visual reference for easy identification and tracking during transportation.
Railcar NumberEnter the identification number that you want to display on the exterior surface of the railcar, a specialized vehicle designed for transporting goods by rail, associated with the transport order.
Seal NumberEnter the number of the seal that you want to use for securing trailer 1.
Seal Number 2Enter the number of the seal that you want to use for securing trailer 2. This field is visible only when personalized.
Seal Number 3Enter the number of the seal that you want to use for securing trailer 3. This field is visible only when personalized.
Loading SequenceEnter the number of the loading sequence which helps you to sort and prioritize the transport order.
  1. On the Capacity FastTab, enter the relevant information in the following fields:
Volume CapacitySpecifies the total volume capacity of the selected vehicles, including the truck and trailers, representing the combined available space for goods. If you later modify the Volume Capacity of the selected vehicles on the Vehicle Card page after the vehicle has been assigned to the transport order, the value in this field is adjusted based on the modified value, even for existing transport orders.
Weight CapacitySpecifies the total weight capacity of the selected vehicles, including the truck and trailers, representing the combined available space for goods. If you later modify the Weight Capacity of the selected vehicles on the Vehicle Card page after the vehicle has been assigned to the transport order, the value in this field is adjusted based on the modified value, even for existing transport orders.
Floor Space Capacity fieldsThe values that are set as floor space types on the Transport Setup page are presented here as fields, representing the total capacity of the selected vehicles in relation to the relevant floor space types. This calculation is derived from the configuration on the Vehicle Floor Space Capacities page.
The floor space types that have not been configured on the Transport Setup page are not visible here as fields, even if they are set up as floor space types for the selected vehicle. If you later configure these floor space types on the Transport Setup page after assigning this vehicle to the transport order, then they will be both displayed here as fields and considered in the calculations, even for existing transport orders.
Calculated VolumeSpecifies the total calculated volume of the items in the transport order lines. This field is visible only when personalized.
  1. On the Docking FastTab, you can view the following fields. These fields are non-editable and can be configured on the Dock Status Card page. For more information, see Configure dock status card page.
Dock StatusSpecifies the status of the dock. This field is blank by default, indicating no activity has occurred.
Dock Location CodeSpecifies the code of the location that is assigned as a dock for the transport order.
If the Loading Dock Door Code is selected first before selecting this value, this field inherits the value from the Location Code specified on the selected Loading Dock Door.
Loading Dock Door CodeSpecifies the code of the loading dock door that is assigned for the selected dock. Loading dock doors serve as access points to the loading dock area, playing a vital role in facilitating the efficient flow of goods in and out of the facility. The list in this field is filtered to display only the loading dock doors that are configured with the selected Dock Location Code.
Dock DateSpecifies the date when the status of the dock is set to Docked.
Dock TimeSpecifies the time when the status of the dock is set to Docked.
Undock DateSpecifies the date when the status of the dock is set to Undocked.
Undock TimeSpecifies the time when the status of the dock is set to Undocked.
  1. On the Lines FastTab, select Remove from Transport Order action to delete the related transport cost lines.
    Adding a new document to the transport order also creates related transport costs.
  2. On the Transport Cost Lines FastTab, enter the relevant information in the following fields:
Route CodeSpecifies the code representing the planned route for the shipment. This can include predefined routes, waypoints, or specific transit paths and is essential for logistics planning.
Floor SpaceSpecifies the actual floor space used for the shipment. This is measured post-shipment to verify against the planned floor space quantity and adjust costs accordingly.
Source Document No.Specifies the source document number from which the transport order was generated. This could be an invoice, purchase order, or any other relevant document.
Source Document TypeSpecifies the type of the source document associated with the transport order. Examples include invoice, purchase order, sales order, etc. This helps in categorizing and processing the transport order appropriately.
NameSpecifies the name of the responsible for the transport order. This could be the sender, receiver, or the logistics provider.Shipment Method Specifies the method used for shipping the goods, such as air, sea, rail, or road. This information is crucial for determining the logistics and costs associated with different shipping methods.
Calculation BaseSpecifies the basis on which the transport cost is calculated. This could be based on weight, volume, distance, or any other relevant metric that affects the transport cost.
Planned Floor Space Qty.Specifies the planned quantity of floor space required for the shipment. This is used for planning and optimizing the loading of the transport vehicle.
Calculated Cost LCYSpecifies the calculated cost of the shipment in the local currency (LCY). This field helps in budgeting and financial planning for the transport order.
New Freight Cost Allocation LCYSpecifies the newly allocated freight cost in the local currency (LCY). This is updated manually by the user when the trade plan is manual. If the transport cost lines have the calculated cost and the new freight cost filled the value of the new freight cost will be used in the assigned documents.
Trade Plan No.Specifies the trade plan number associated with the transport order. This links the transport order to broader trade and logistics planning documents. When selecting a trade plan, you can only choose from options where the Manual Freight toggle is turned on. If the user changes a trade plan manually the transport cost calculation will turn to manual.
ExpenseYou can select the checkbox and assign the expense item no. that has been defined on the associated Trade Plan card page. By selecting this checkbox, the system includes the defined item on the associated source document as a new line.
  • The system calculates the Calculated Cost LCY field value based on the Cost Amount Internal LCY field and the Planned Floor Space Qty. field values for each line.
  • When the Transport Cost Allocation field is set to Manual, the system ensures the sum amount of the New Freight Cost Allocation LCY assigned to each line is not greater than the defined Cost Amount Internal LCY field value.
  • You cannot select the Expense checkbox on the Transport Cost FastTab of the Transport Order page, if the expense item number hasn’t been defined on the associated trade plan.
  1. You can change the planned floor space value in the Planned EUR field on the Lines FastTab, and the system will update the same for the relevant entries.

  2. On the action bar, select Recalculate Cost.
    The system updates the Calculate Cost LCY field value for the defined entry.

    The transport order is created.

Configure dock status card page

All the fields above are non-editable and are provided for viewing purposes only. You can edit these fields on the relevant Dock Status Card page.

  1. On the action bar, select Home > Dock.
    The Dock Status Card page opens.
  2. On the General FastTab, enter the relevant information in the following fields:
Dock StatusSelect the status of the dock. The available options are:
Blank: This is the default status of the dock, indicating no activity has occurred.
Arrived: The truck has reached the dock, but either the dock is full or not ready to receive it.
Dropped: The truck dropped the trailer in the yard and left.
Docked: The truck has been assigned a door and is either at the door or permitted to proceed. This option updates the values in the Dock Date and Dock Time fields on the Transport Order page, reflecting the date and time when this status is changed.
Undocked: The truck has departed from the dock. This option updates the values in the Undock Date and Undock Time fields on the Transport Order page, reflecting the date and time when this status is changed.
Dock Location CodeSelect the code of the location that you want to use as a dock for the transport order. If the Dock Status field is set from Docked to blank, the value in this field will disappear.
Loading Dock Door CodeSelect the code of the loading dock door that you want to assign for the selected dock. The loading dock doors are filtered based on the selected Dock Location Code and presented in the list. If the Dock Status field is set from Docked to blank, the value in this field will disappear.
Loading dock doors serve as access points to the loading dock area, playing a vital role in facilitating the efficient flow of goods in and out of the facility.
Driver No.Specifies the number of the driver that is inherited from the Driver No. field on the Transport Order card page. You can modify this value, which also updates the Driver No. field on the Transport Order card page.
Driver NameSpecifies the name of the selected driver, which automatically populates when selecting a value in the Driver No. field.
Driver Phone No.Specifies the contact number of the selected driver, which automatically populates when selecting a value in the Driver No. field.

You can view the Driver Details FactBox, which provides insights into key aspects of the driver, on the Dock Status Card page. For more information, see Driver Details FactBox.

Add data or delete transport order lines

The transport order lines are an exact copy of the previously selected transport requests. It is possible to edit or delete the transport order lines in the transport order.

On the Transport Order Lines page, it is possible to change some of the data. See Edit Transport Line for an explanation of which fields can be changed.

  1. Select Line.
    Per transport order line, it’s possible to view or edit the instructions. Also, changes to the source document can be viewed per line.
  2. Select Remove from Transport Order.
    The transport order line is removed from the transport order. The status of the transport request on which the transport line is based changes from Planned to In progress.
  • When the transport line is removed the related transport costs are removed as well.
  • Changes done to the Transport Route Code and the Stop Sequence No. fields on sales order and sales return order documents are reflected in the transport order.

Accept function

When changes to source document are made while transport orders were already created for the linked transport requests, it is possible to (view and) accept these changes from the Transport Order page in a similar way as is possible on the Transport Planning page. To know more, see Transport Planning.

  1. Select any number of transport order line(s) with the checkbox Deleted or Changed selected.
  2. Select Line.
  3. Select Accept.
    The checkbox Changed is cleared.
    Transport requests in which the Deleted checkbox is selected are deleted by the Accept action.
  4. Select Line.
  5. Select View Change Log Entries.

By default, a filter is set with an empty Date and time accepted field. Clear the filter to see the date and time accepted.

The Date and Time Accepted field is now registered.

There is a possibility to print the transport order or send the transport order to the shipping agent.

  1. Select Reports > Print.
  2. Select the appropriate filters.

Send transport order

It is possible to create a document that can be sent to the shipping agent.

  1. Select Send to.
  2. Choose file type.
  3. Select OK.

The file is now created and can be sent.

It is also possible to print the transport order directly.

  1. Select the Print button to print the report or select the Preview button to view it on the screen.

It is now possible to print the transport order.