Transport floor space types

Article04/30/20249 min read

Transport Floor Space Types are used for calculating the floor space which is needed for transport. The load per Transport Floor Space Type can be set up per item or per customer/item combination. Based on this load, the system calculates the number of Floor Spaces required.

For example, when the load per Transport Floor Space Type for an item is set to 120 pieces and the quantity in the sales order is 140 pieces, the calculated number of Floor Spaces = 140/120=1.2. The calculated number is rounded to 1 decimal place.

Setup transport floor space types

Before setting up the load per item, the Transport Floor Space Types must be set up. You can set up any number of Floor Space Types. However, a maximum of five only would be visible on the planning screen.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Transport Floor Space Types, and then choose the related link.
  2. Enter the Code.
  3. Enter the Code Caption.
  4. Enter the Length.
    The length can be noted up to a maximum of two decimal places. This field is informative and is not used for the calculation of the number of Transport Floor Space.
  5. Enter the Width.
    The width can be noted up to a maximum of two decimal places. This field is informative and is not used for the calculation of the number of Transport Floor Space.
    A Transport Floor Space Type is now set up. You can repeat these steps to create any number of Floor Space Types.

Transport floor space type for items

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select the required No.
  3. On the action bar, select More Options > Related > Item > Transport Floor Space Type Setup.
  4. Select New.
    It is possible to set a different Transport Floor Space Type Default per Item Variant. This field is optional.
  5. In the Item Variant field, select a value.
  6. In the Transport Floor Space Type field, select the required Code.
  7. In the Unit of Measure Code field, select the required Code.
  8. In the Quantity per Transport Floor Space Type field, enter the desired value.
    The quantity specifies how many items with that unit of measure code can be placed on the Transport Floor Space Type.
  9. Select the Default checkbox. The first Transport Floor Space Type created for the Item or Item variant is automatically set as Default. The Default Transport Floor Space Type will be used when creating a Transport Request. The other floor space types will not be used and are informative.

Change default transport floor space type

Only one Transport Floor Space Type can be set up as default. It is possible to change the default Transport Floor Space Type if there is more than one Transport Floor Space Type for the Item or Item Variant.

  1. Select the required Item Variant.
  2. On the action bar, select More options >Actions >Set as Default.

Another Transport Floor Space Type is now set up as Default.

Required transport floor space type for customers

When there are some specific agreements made for a customer about the Transport Floor Space Type, it is possible to link a Transport Floor Space Type to a customer. If a Transport Floor Space Type is linked to a customer, this Transport Floor Space Type is used as default and overrules the default that is set for the item.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Customers, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select the required customer No.
  3. On the action bar, select More Options > Related > Customer >Ship-to Addresses.
  4. Select the required Code.
    The Ship-to Address page opens.
  5. In the Req. Transport Floor Space Type field, select the required Code.

The Required Transport Floor Space Type is now set up for the customer.

Vehicle Floor Space Capacities

On the Vehicle Floor Space Capacities page, follow these steps to configure the capacity of the vehicle in relation to the floor space types:

  1. Open the Vehicle Floor Space Capacities page.

You can also access this page from the Vehicle Card page by selecting Actions > Floor Space Capacity on the action bar.

  1. On the action bar, select New.
  2. Fill in the fields as follows:
Vehicle CodeSelect the code of the vehicle for which you want to define the floor space capacity.
Floor Space TypeSelect the code of the floor space type in which you want to specify the capacity. You have the option to include floor space types that are not initially set up on the Transport Setup page. These additional floor space types won’t be visible or considered in the calculations on the relevant transport order. If you later configure these floor space types on the Transport Setup page after assigning the vehicle to the transport order, then they will be both displayed and considered in the calculations, even for existing transport orders.
CapacityEnter the capacity of the vehicle in relation to the selected floor space type. Modifying this value, even after assigning the vehicle to the transport order, will be considered, leading to adjusting the calculations on the existing relevant transport orders based on the modified value.

Transport Floor Types Packaging

On the Transport Floor Types Packaging page, follow these steps to configure the packaging type for the floor space types:

  1. Open the Transport Floor Types Packaging page.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
  3. Fill in the fields as follows:
Floor Space Type CodeSelect the code of the floor space type for which you want to configure the packaging type.
Floor Space Type DescriptionSpecifies the description of the selected floor space type, which automatically populates when selecting a value in the Floor Space Type Code field.
Packaging Type CodeSelect the code of the packaging type that you want to assign for the selected floor space type.
Packaging DescriptionSpecifies the description of the selected packaging type, which automatically populates when selecting a value in the Packaging Type Code field.
Qty. per Floor SpaceEnter the number of packaging types that can be accommodated within the selected floor space type.
DefaultSelect the checkbox if you want to use the selected floor space type for calculations in Transport Planning when an item has multiple default packaging.

Calculation for floor space based on Item Default Packaging

When determining floor space calculations, the system checks for Item Default Packaging only if the transport floor space type is not set up for the specific item. The system will perform calculations in Transport Planning for items using the following formula:

Number of Floor Space = (Quantity on the document line / Quantity Per Packaging of the Item Default Packaging) / Quantity per Floor Space of the relevant Transport Floor Space Type Packaging.

The system operates based on one of the following scenarios when determining calculations:

Scenario 1: No Item Default Packaging

When an item doesn’t have any Item Default Packaging line, the system will not perform calculations for that specific item.

Scenario 2: Item Default Packaging exists, but no Floor Space Type Packaging

When an item has an Item Default Packaging line assigned with a packaging code that doesn’t have any Transport Floor Space Type Packaging configured, the system will not perform calculations for that specific item.

Scenario 3: One Item Default Packaging exists with multiple Floor Space Type Packaging

  1. Multiple Floor Space Types with no default - When an item has an Item Default Packaging line, but there are multiple Transport Floor Space Type Packaging configured for it without a specified default, the system will not perform calculations for that specific item. This is because the system cannot determine which floor space type to use for the calculations in the absence of a specified default.

  2. Multiple Floor Space Types with one default - When an item has an Item Default Packaging line, but there are multiple Transport Floor Space Type Packaging configured for it, with one of them specified as default, the system will prioritize the default Transport Floor Space Type Packaging. Subsequently, it will perform calculations for that specific item using the formula mentioned above.

Scenario 4: One Item Default Packaging exists with one Floor Space Type Packaging

When an item has an Item Default Packaging line assigned with a packaging code that has only one Transport Floor Space Type Packaging configured, without a specified default, the system will perform calculations for that specific item using the formula mentioned above. This is possible because the system can determine the floor space type to use for calculations, given that there is only one, even in the absence of a specified default.

Scenario 5: Multiple Item Default Packaging

  1. Multiple Item Default Packaging exists, and Multiple Transport Floor Space Types exist with one default - When an item has multiple Item Default Packaging lines and there are multiple Transport Floor Space Type Packaging configured for it, with one of them specified as default, the system will prioritize the Item Default Packaging line associated with the default Transport Floor Space Type. Subsequently, it will perform calculations for that specific item using the formula mentioned above.

  2. Multiple Item Default Packaging exists, and one Transport Floor Space Type exists with no default - When an item has multiple Item Default Packaging lines, and only one of them is configured with Transport Floor Space Type Packaging, without a specified default, the system will prioritize the Item Default Packaging line associated with the Transport Floor Space Type. Subsequently, it will perform calculations for that specific item using the formula mentioned above.

Scenario 6: Item Default Packaging with Source Type (Customer or Vendor)

When an item has multiple Item Default Packaging lines, and one of them is configured with the Source Type as Customer or Vendor, and the configured customer or vendor is associated with the relevant sales order or purchase order, the system will prioritize the Item Default Packaging line specified with a Source Type. Subsequently, it will perform calculations for that specific item using the formula mentioned above.


In this scenario, if there are two sales lines with the same item but with different customers, and one of the customers is configured in the Item Default Packaging line, calculations for the respective sales lines will be as follows:

  • The sales line associated with the customer that is configured in the Item Default Packaging line will be calculated using the Item Default Packaging line with a specified source type.
  • The other sales line associated with the customer that is not configured in the Item Default Packaging line will be calculated using the Item Default Packaging line without a specified source type, based on the above scenarios.

This process works similarly for purchase lines as well.

Scenario 7: Item Default Packaging with Source Type and Shipping Address Code

When an item has multiple Item Default Packaging lines and one of them is configured with the Source Type and Ship-to Address, and the configured customer and the shipping address match relevant values on the sales order, then the system will prioritize the Item Default Packaging line specified with a Source Type and Ship-to Address. Subsequently, it will perform calculations for that specific item using the formula mentioned above.


This scenario takes precedence even when multiple Item default Packaging lines exist with the relevant customer on the sales order, as stated in Scenario 6.