Post transport order

Article01/24/20245 min read

When all transport lines are completed and all the necessary information is entered on the transport order, it can be posted. When the posting is completed, the transport order and posted transport lines are deleted and a Posted Transport Order is created.

If Transport Order lines are marked as ‘Changed’, the system will display a notification when posting the order. When Transport Order lines are marked as ‘Deleted’, an error will be displayed, and it is not possible to post the Transport Order.

The system can automatically create and post a Purchase Order when posting the Transport Order. A Purchase Order is created and posted to account for the transport costs. To enable this functionality, ensure that the following configurations are performed on the Transport Setup page:

  • The Create and Post Purchase Order toggle should be turned on.
  • The Item No. Transport Cost Posting field must have a value.

While posting the Transport Order, the system operates according to the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: Shipping Agent linked to a Vendor

When the Shipping Agent in the Transport Order is linked to a vendor,

  1. If the Transport Cost Amount is 0 (zero), the system will notify you that the Purchase Order will not be generated due to the Transport Cost Amount value being 0. The system will only proceed to post the Transport Order.
  2. If the Transport Cost Amount has a value, the system will post the Transport Order. Additionally, it will generate and post a Purchase Order for the provided transport cost amount, using the vendor linked to the relevant shipping agent.

Scenario 2: Shipping Agent not linked to a Vendor

When the Shipping Agent in the Transport Order is not linked to a vendor,

  1. If the Transport Cost Amount is 0 (zero), the system will not notify you about the value being 0 because the Shipping Agent is not linked to a vendor, and generating a Purchase Order is not possible. The system will only proceed to post the Transport Order.
  2. If the Transport Cost Amount has a value, the system will notify you that the Purchase Order will not be generated because the Shipping Agent is not linked to a vendor. The system will only proceed to post the Transport Order.

To link a vendor to a Shipping Agent, see Link Vendor to a Shipping Agent.

The Purchase Order will have one Purchase Order line with the item that was selected on the Transport Setup page. We recommend creating a new item specifically for transportation costs. For more information, see Transport Setup .

The data in the purchase order is copied from the transport header. If all data is correctly filled in the Purchase Order, the Purchase Order is posted immediately. If data is missing, the Purchase Order is created, but not posted. The system will show an error message that indicates which data is missing. The transport order is posted, and the purchase order can be posted manually.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Transport Orders, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select the required No.
  3. On the action bar, select Process > Post.
    A dialog box opens displaying the following message: Do you want to post the transport order?
  4. Select Yes.
    The transport order is now posted, and a posted transport order is created. If the Create and Post Purchase Order toggle on the Transport Setup page is turned on, a Purchase Order is created.
    A dialog box opens displaying the Transport Order No., Posted Transport Order No., and Purchase Order No.
  5. Select OK.

View posted transport order

From the Posted Transport Order page, it is possible to see the purchase order and posted purchase invoice lines directly. This way you always have an overview of the documents linked to the posted transport order.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Posted Transport Orders, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select the required No.
    The Posted Transport Order card page opens.

The Posted Transport Order page mirrors the structure of the Transport Order page, replicating all the fields and information. For more information, see Transport order.

The Transport Route Code and Stop Sequence No. are visible both on the order and line. But if multiple routes exist, the route code isn’t shown on the order but only in the respective lines.

The Trip No. field value is displayed on the lines which are not editable. After a Transport Order is successfully posted, it gets deleted from the Transport Orders list page.

Linked purchase order

If the purchase order is automatically created when posting the transport order, then the purchase order is linked to the posted transport order.

  1. On the action bar, select More Options > Related > Purchase Order.

The created Purchase Order is shown.

Linked posted purchase invoice lines

The purchase invoice lines are linked to the posted transport order if the purchase invoice lines are retrieved with the Get Receipt Lines function in the purchase invoice. With this function the purchase invoice lines can be retrieved from the automatically created posted purchase receipt.

The transport order number is shown on the Get Receipt Lines page and can be used to find the purchase receipt line of a particular transport order.

  1. On the action bar, select More Options >Related > Posted Purchase Invoice Lines.
    The posted purchase invoice lines linked to the posted transport order are shown. It is possible to open the posted purchase Invoice.
  2. On the action bar, select More Options > Related.
  3. Select Line.
  4. Select Show Document.

The posted purchase invoice is shown.