Loading dock doors

Article12/26/20231 min read

Loading dock doors serve as access points to the loading dock area, playing a vital role in facilitating the efficient flow of goods in and out of the facility. They come in various types, sizes, and features, including seals for weather protection and safety measures. They contribute to operational efficiency, facility security, and streamlined logistics by providing a controlled gateway for loading and unloading operations.

On the Loading Dock Doors page, follow these steps to configure the loading dock door:

  1. Open the Loading Dock Doors page.
  2. On the action bar, select New.
  3. Fill in the fields as follows:
CodeEnter the code of the loading dock door that you want to create.
DescriptionEnter the description of the loading dock door that you want to create.
TypeSelect the type of loading dock door, indicating its designated purpose as either Shipping, Receiving, or Both.
Location CodeSelect the code of the location for which you want to use the selected loading dock door.