Assign trade plan costs to the source document

Article06/26/20244 min read

Assigning trade plan costs to the source document benefits businesses by enhancing cost transparency and accountability. This enables accurate financial tracking, efficient decision-making, and easier audits.
The following procedure describes how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Transport Orders, and then choose the related link.
    The Transport Orders list page opens.
  2. Select the preferred No.
    The Transport Order card page opens.
  3. On the action bar, select Assign Costs to Documents.
    The system displays a dialog box confirming the creation of trade costs.
    You can also assign the costs by selecting Recalculate Cost > Assign Costs to Documents on the action bar of the Transport Order card page.
  • You can assign costs manually on transport order.
  • If you change the trade plans manually, the system clears the calculated trade plans and updates the new trade plans.
  1. Click OK.
    The system updates the transport order with the relevant values.
  2. On the Lines FastTab, select Line > Source Document Info.
    The Transport Request Source Document Info page opens.
  3. Select the preferred entry.
  4. On the action bar, select Show Document.
    The source document opens.
  5. On the action bar, select Related > Order > Other > Document Trade Costs.
    The Document Trade Costs page opens.

You can also use the Assign Costs to Documents and Post action. This action will assign the costs and will post the transport order.

Assign trade plan item charges to the source document

Assigning trade plan item charges to source documents ensures accurate cost allocation and enhances financial oversight. This process streamlines the assignment of freight costs to purchase orders, ensuring all expenses are correctly accounted for and expressed in the source documents.
This feature improves cost management, facilitates accurate financial tracking, and enhances decision-making efficiency. The following procedure describes how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Transport Orders, and then choose the related link.
    The Transport Orders list page opens.
  2. Select the desired No.
    The Transport Order card page opens.
  3. On the General FastTab, ensure the Transport Cost Calculation field is set as Trade Plan.
  4. On the Cost Lines FastTab, in the Trade Plan No. field, select a trade plan for which Accural Type field is set as Item Charge and Status field is set as Active.
  5. On the action bar, select Recalculate Cost > Assign Costs to Documents.
    The system displays a dialog box confirming the assignment of costs.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Navigate to the source document linked to the transport order.
  8. Verify that the defined item charge has been inserted with the associated details like Quantity field with value 1 and Direct Unit Cost/Unit Price field value based on the document type.
  • If the source document has a shipment or receipt posted, you cannot assign costs.
  • If the trade plan is in a different currency code than LCY, the system converts the amount to the document’s defined currency.
  • You can click the Assign Costs to Documents action multiple times, but this will overwrite the existing trade plans assigned.
  • If the Trade Plan No., Calculated Cost (LCY), or New Freight Cost Allocation(LCY) fields are not filled, you cannot transfer anything to the document trade.

Assign expense item number to the source document

The Expense Item No. field categorizes and allocates costs, such as freight expenses, to documents like purchase orders. This capability ensures precise cost tracking and enhances financial transparency in business operations.
The following procedure describes how to perform this activity.

  1. Select the Search icon , enter Transport Orders, and then choose the related link.
    The Transport Orders list page opens.
  2. Select the desired No.
    The Transport Order card page opens.
  3. In the Trade Plan No. field, ensure the defined trade plan has been configured with relevant value in the Expense Item No. field.
  4. On the Cost Lines FastTab, select the Expense checkbox.
  5. On the action bar, select Recalculate Cost > Assign Costs to Documents.
    Upon successful assignment, the system displays a confirmation message.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Navigate to the associated source document and verify that the trade plan and its associated costs have been inserted.
  8. Verify the associated details like Quantity field with value 1 and Unit Price/Direct Unit Cost field value based on the document type. The expense item number has been assigned to the source document.

If the defined trade plan associated with the lines lacks an Expense Item No. field value, attempting to turn on the Expense toggle will result in an error.