What's new in version 2302.0.0.0

Release Note09/16/20243 min read


With this release of the Aptean Transport extension, you can:

  • Create vehicle and driver records, and allocate them for transportation processes. For more information, see Vehicles and Drivers.
  • Assign numbers for the new driver records. For more information, see Transport Setup.
  • Include essential information to the transport route such as driver, truck, trailer information, and loading sequence number. For more information, see Transport route code setup.
  • Assign packaging types to floor space types. For more information, see Transport Floor Types Packaging.
  • Calculate floor space based on item default packaging. For more information, see Calculation for floor space based on item default packaging.
  • Create loading dock door records that serve as access points to the loading dock area. For more information, see Loading dock doors.
  • Include essential information to the transport order such as driver, vehicle, and dock related information, seal numbers, overall weight, volume, and capacity of the vehicles based on floor space types. For more information, see Add information in transport order header.
  • View the total volume of all items within the transport order on the Transport Order header, Transport Planning page, and when utilizing the Split Transport Order function. For more information, see Split transport request function.
  • Assign the transport request to an existing transport order when the transport date and route code match the values specified on the existing transport order. For more information, see Create transport order.
  • Restrict the addition of new transport requests to the transport order. For more information, see Add information in transport order header.


You can integrate the Aptean Transport extension with:

  • The Aptean Reporting extension to generate reports containing transport order details. This includes information about the driver, truck, trailer, and other details of the transport order.
  • The Aptean Packaging extension to configure packaging for transport floor types. It also streamlines the calculation process for floor space based on item default packaging.

UI/UX changes

The following UI/UX changes have been made in this release:

  • The following pages are added:
    • Vehicles list
    • Vehicle Card
    • Drivers list
    • Driver Card
    • Vehicle Floor Space Capacities
    • Transport Floor Types Packaging
    • Loading Dock Doors
    • Dock Status Card
  • The Shipping, Capacity, and Docking FastTabs are added to the Transport Order card page:
  • The Driver No., Truck Code, Trailer Code, and Loading Sequence fields are added to the Transport Route Details page.
  • The Ship-to State field is added to the Ship-to Address FactBox on the Transport Planning page.
  • The Pick-up State field is added to the Pick-up Address FactBox on the Transport Planning page.
  • The Fixed toggle is added to the General FastTab on the Transport Order card page.
  • The Driver Details FactBox is added to the following pages:
    • Transport Order card
    • Transport Route Details
    • Dock Status Card