Use cost accrual selection

Article05/06/20243 min read

Use the Cost Accrual Selection page to manage the allocation of actual costs from purchase invoices. The Filters section allows you to specify filters to filter the cost accrual entries. The Trade Accrual Entries section allows you view detailed information about entries matching the set filters. Further, the Allocation Details section provides insights into the allocation process, such as total amount and currency code, and allows you to choose a distribution method and an allocation amount. The following steps outline the process to allocate costs and create invoice lines.

  1. On the relevant Purchase Invoice page, on the action bar, select Actions > Functions > Cost Accrual Selection.
    The Cost Accrual Selection page opens.

  2. In the Filters section, the Vendor No. Filter field is initially filled with the vendor number corresponding to the purchase invoice header. However, you can modify this value to any other vendor number or leave it blank to indicate an unknown vendor.

  3. In the Trade Plan No. Filter field, select the relevant trade plan.

  4. In the Item Charge No. Filter field, select the relevant item charge.

  5. In the Posting Date From and Posting Date To fields, select the appropriate dates.

  6. In the Trade Accrual Entries section, review the entries that match the applied filters, and then select the relevant entries.

  7. In the Allocation Details section, select one of the following distribution method options from the Distribution Method dropdown.
    Ensure the distribution method aligns with the allocation based on weight.

    BlankThis option implies that no specific distribution method is applied, leaving the allocation amount unchanged.
    By QuantityThis option implies that the allocation amount is distributed among entries based on their respective quantities. Entries with higher quantities receive a proportionally higher share of the allocation amount compared to entries with lower quantities.
    By Net WeightThis option implies that the allocation amount is distributed among entries based on their net weights. Entries with higher net weights receive a larger portion of the allocation amount compared to entries with lower net weights.
    By Gross WeightThis option implies that the allocation amount is distributed among entries based on their gross weights. Entries with higher gross weights receive a larger share of the allocation amount compared to entries with lower gross weights.
  8. In the Allocation Amount field, enter the allocation amount in the relevant currency set for the vendor.

  9. On the action bar, select Allocate Amount.
    The system assigns the allocation amount to the selected entries based on the defined distribution method.

  10. Verify the applied cost amount for each entry to ensure accurate allocation based on weight.

  11. On the action bar, select Create Invoice Lines.
    A purchase invoice line is generated for every selected trade accrual entry with an Applied Cost Amount field value that isn’t zero, ensuring a precise depiction of costs in the purchase invoice.

After the purchase invoice lines are created via the Cost Accrual Selection page, the invoice can be posted.


  • On the Purchase Invoice page, use the Doc. Amount Incl. VAT field to specify the total invoice amount (including VAT) of the purchase invoice.
  • If the Check Purchase Invoice Amount on Posting toggle is enabled on the Trade Management Setup page, the system ensures that the total invoice amount specified equals the sum of all the purchase invoice lines.